
Shores’ proposed home raises concerns at review board hearing – San Diego Union-Tribune

Shores’ proposed home raises concerns at review board hearing – San Diego Union-Tribune

The bulk and size of a proposed home on Spindrift Drive in La Jolla is going too far in the eyes of some neighbors.

Several nearby residents attended the La Jolla Shores permit review board meeting Dec. 19 to voice concerns about the planned 6,527-square-foot, two-story home at 1835 Spindrift, saying it lacked unity with the rest of the area.

The home would replace an existing 3,214 square foot residence. It would have a floor area ratio – the size of the structure relative to its land – of 0.89. According to current codes, it could not exceed 0.57. But applications completed before the current FAR requirements were implemented are “grandfathered” under the old code, said PRC Chairman Andy Fotsch.

“If your project has been deemed ‘complete,’ which is the fancy term the city uses to mean that you have submitted all of your initial documents…that is the status,” Fotsch said. “This (project) was considered ‘complete’ by April 13, 2024. It was then grandfathered into the old code.”

All projects completed after April 13 are subject to the new requirements. FAR is used to manage density in residential and commercial development.

The Spindrift proposal would extend underground with a 4,992-square-foot basement that includes a six-car garage, an accessory dwelling unit and a swimming pool. According to current regulations, basements are not included in the FAR of a building.

A proposal for 1835 Spindrift Drive would demolish a 3,214-square-foot residence and replace it with a 6,527-square-foot house. (Noé Lyons)
A proposal for 1835 Spindrift Drive would demolish a 3,214-square-foot residence and replace it with a 6,527-square-foot house. (Noé Lyons)

Some residents who spoke against the proposal raised basement-related objections, but the majority noted the scale of the project.

Steve Black, who lives across the street, said the project would deviate from the character of the neighborhood. He added that the planned landscaping is not what he would expect in a single-family residence in the area.

“Based on both subjective and objective factors, I will respectfully ask the board to reject the currently proposed project,” Black told the board.

Susan Bondurant, who lives east of the property, agreed the house would be out of proportion to its neighbors. She also questioned the notion that it is not subject to the new FAR requirements.

“This was installed a year ago and then the house was put back on the market,” Bondurant said. “For me, the question arises as to why the old rules from a year ago are still grandfathered in.”

The opinions of the committee members were in the same direction. Dan Courtney said the proposal would “push the envelope” to a new limit, in part because of the size of the basement.

“What concerns me is the scale and magnitude,” said member Angie Preisendorfer. “It’s still a massive, very imposing building on a small plot of land. I just can’t vote for it.

No vote took place and the candidate’s representative, Claude Anthony Marengo, was asked to return later with more information to support the 0.89 FAR.

“I’m tired of people trying to put elephants in mouse holes,” said Janie Emerson, vice president of the RPC. “Buy a bigger lot if you want a house that big.”

Other PRC news

Prestwick Walk: The board approved Marengo’s proposal for a house at 8101 Prestwick Drive, which came back to the PRC after receiving comments at the Oct. 17 meeting.

The plan calls for the demolition of a 3,119 square foot house and the construction of a 5,888 square foot two-story house with a basement.

Marengo said he made several adjustments based on feedback from the public and the board, moving the building six feet off the slope, adjusting the color of the house to better fit the neighborhood and adding more trees as necessary.

Emerson’s motion to move the project forward passed 5-0, with Fotsch usually abstaining.

Next meeting: The La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee will meet next at 4 p.m. on Thursday, January 16 at the La Jolla Recreation Center, 615 Prospect St. The agenda will be posted 72 hours in advance at