
Millions awarded to improve ferry infrastructure for Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie Islands

Millions awarded to improve ferry infrastructure for Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie Islands

TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) – Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur announced a grant of more than $10 million will go toward improving ferry infrastructure for the islands of Put-in-Bay and Lake Erie.

The $10.37 million award from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration will help construct a 406-foot breakwater at the main ferry terminal serving South Bass Island, Rep. Kaptur’s office announced Thursday . The breakwater will protect the ferry dock from adverse weather conditions and rising lake levels.

The funding will also create a designated maintenance berth, which will allow for the safe docking of ferries during repairs, while also serving as an alternative loading area for passengers, vehicles and cargo when the dock main is not available.

“This major federal investment in Put-in-Bay ferry infrastructure will ensure safe and resilient transit between the Ohio mainland and South Bass Island – a valuable economic and cultural center,” said Congresswoman Kaptur. and this new breakwater will protect vital routes for passengers, goods and emergency services. »

According to the Kaptur office. the improvements will directly support the operations of Miller Boat Line, Inc., a leading ferry operator on Lake Erie. The infrastructure improvements will benefit nearly 850,000 annual visitors and permanent residents of the island.

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