
Epic Games Store: the next free games are available

Epic Games Store: the next free games are available

Also in the last 24 months the Epic Games Store nicht lumpen und beschenkt euch. After the free version of current free games steht mittlerweile sogar fest, country Free Free Versions for PC ihr in der nächsten Woche einsacken könnt. Richtig gelesen: Euch erwartet ab dem 5. Dezember 2024 nicht nur ein, sondern gleich more Geschenke.

Do you have any free games coming to the Epic Games Store?

Am commended Donnerstag wechselt a free robot in the Epic Games Store. It will be broadcast on Friday at 5 p.m. in the Deutscher Zeit. On this day there are two preparatory works that will allow you to carry them in your bag. Next Ihr die Spiele heruntergeladen und mit eurem Account verknüpft habt, I ask you to go to your home.

One of the closest free games is one of them. Bus Simulator 21, next step. The simulation at Stillalive Studios took place for three years at Buckel, but until now it also took place in its old Spaß. As its name has been, it is a US state park and bus park to the street, across a European street and a US-US map. Zudem erwartet euch a larger Karrieremodus mit vielen Herausforderungen.

I don’t want you to do it Free Games and Fully Discounted Games for PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox more offers? Unser PC Games WhatsApp Channel (here the link) Hält euch auf dem Laufenden!

And was more turbulent and vor allem abgedrehter gehts in dem Action-Adventure Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga zur Sache. The game from Entwickler TT Games is free in the world we lock Galaxis from the legendary Sternensaga. Dort stehen insgesamt 300 more or weniger bekannte Character of the Star Wars-Universum bereit. Das reicht von Obi-Wan Kenobigreat Darth Vader bis hin natural zum iconic Luke Skywalker. Beide Vollversionen from December 5 to 12, 2024 for free in the Epic Games Store zum Download bereit.

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Please note that the current free version is available on the Epic Games Store.

From Thursday to December 5, 2024 at 4:59 p.m., I arrive at my night the current free game schnappen. This is a Brotato Arena-Shooter-Roguelike-Mix which, in the roll, has a very thin cardboard problem. It has to be the great Horden von Aliens kämpfen. Glücklicherweise hat sie Zugriff auf un umfangreiches Waffenarsenal, um den Außerirdischen ordentlich einzuheizen. This full version will be available after downloading to help you.