
Seehausen, Bismark and Osterburg: Youth clubs have problems to solve

Seehausen, Bismark and Osterburg: Youth clubs have problems to solve

At the Bismarck, they are centered around the sleeve of the Jugendliche andere Ventile: you strive to find the Bushaltestelle for the free leisure center and the club club is very well placed. Annegret Schwarz (CDU), the head of government of the Einheitsgemeinde, will head the judges of the street “weghaben, weg von Aggression und Gewalt”. Bei der Suche nach Personal für den Jugenclub will not allow you to go further into the Landkreis verlassen.

Do staff need educational training?

For Annegret Schwarz, she – abweichend von den Richtlinien des Landkreises – must not join a pedagogue within the Bismarck club. A responsible person, and, one, the direction of work with children and young people – for experience in the company. Sie hat da chon jemanden im Hinterkopf. So the Landkreis aber den pädagogischen Abschluss verlangt, die Richtlinien nicht lockert, that your idea has a chance.

Alle three Jugendzentren – in OsterburgBismark and Seehausen – warehouses in the transport company International Bundes (IB). There is a large distributor in youth, society and education in Germany, which is not yet established, in the last month of a new kräfte for oriental brand clubs. There are now parties for children and young people taking place, said Julian Reinecke from the IB in Osterburg. In the old days Fallen gäben Elternhäuser heutzutage nicht plus den Rückhalt, the younger generation braucht.