
Geschäftsmann with Botschafter in London

Geschäftsmann with Botschafter in London

When Trump was born, he was a politician from Arkansas in the US-Botschaft in London. All articles on the news blog.

00:00: US President-elect Donald Trump will become a billionaire government chief in Britain. Warren Stephens is one of Landes’ top leaders and Trump is on his social truth platform with it. “I am my friend, dass er nonn die Möglichkeit hat, als Spitzendiplomat die USA bei einem der wichtigsten und beliebtesten Verbündeten Amerikas zu vertreten.” The Staff must still be appointed by the Senate.

The 67-Jährige steht an der Spitze a family-owned investment bank in the US federal state of Arkansas. While the Republic has been in place since 2016, Trump took this decision head-on. The “Washington Post” is spending Stephens in the state camp and Nikki Haley, his party’s presidential candidate will be happy. Haley realized that in the lowland days of the presidential election, Trump had become the candidate’s candidate. The 78th Republic Day will take place on January 20 and the new president will be elected.

12:02 p.m.: US President-elect Donald Trump was named by Ambassador Joe Biden at President Hunter Biden’s launch and was declared “Missbrauch und Scheitern der Justiz” by the network. He is also present on the online platform Truth Social Parallelen for the creation of the chapters by Trump-Anhänger on January 6, 2021, until the end of the last reading day of the Haftstrafen published by articles. You are Trump like “Geiseln”.

“Schließt die Begnadigung, die Joe Hunter gewährt hat, auch die Geiseln des 6. Januar ein (wörtlich: “J-6 Hostages”), die nun seit Jahren im Gefängnis sitzen? Was für ein Missbrauch und Scheitern der Justiz”, writes the ehemalige and künftige President. On November 5 with Trump, the United States will register from 2017 to 2021, on January 20.

Trump himself fought for the Ende seiner ersten Amtszeit eine Reihe Loyaler Weggefährten begnadigt. Darunter war the Immobilienunternehmer Charles Kushner, der Vater von Trumps Berater und Schwiegersohn Jared Kushner. He realized that there was only one Leiter within the Wahlkampf teams, Paul Manafort, and within the Langjährigen Vertrauten Roger Stone.

1:40 p.m.: US President Joe Biden has nominated Sohn Hunter Biden for early career public sector administration. Now this is the end of the story: “I think the American people are going to be there, and we have to be the President of this government and we have to do it,” Biden said in an official statement. You can find out more here.

5:42 p.m.: Donald Trump joined the social media platform “Truth Social” for Massad Boulos to head Arab media and social media. Trump said: “The massacre is an enemy of the Anwalt and a high angelshener Führer in the political world with international international authority.” Er sei longjähriger Verfechter republicanischer und conservator Werte, aßerdem eine “Bereicherung für my Campagne campaign and entscheidend beim Aufbau neuer Koalitionen mit der Arabisch-AMErikanischen Gemeinschaft”. Boulos is the next Schwiegervater of Trumps Tochter Tiffany. Er soll sich nonnn besonders für Frieden im Nahen Osten einsetzen.