
Die Sims 1 UND 2: Neuer Patch Behebt ABSTürze und STARTPROBLE – Teil EINS SOLLTE NUN “in Den Meisten Stateren Startten”

Die Sims 1 UND 2: Neuer Patch Behebt ABSTürze und STARTPROBLE – Teil EINS SOLLTE NUN “in Den Meisten Stateren Startten”

Ein Erster Patch für Die reissue von die Sims 1 und die Sims 2 IST da und kümmert Sich um verschiedene problem.

Electronic arts und Maxis Hatten Die Legacy Collections Beider Spiele am Vergangenen Freitag Veröffentlicht, Die Reaktionen Sind Aber Durchwachsen.

Mehrere Reascurzursachen Besitigt

AUF Steam Widence Die reéleade Zum Teil Als “Lächerlich” ‚” Kaputt “und Sargar Als” Geldverschwengung “Betitelt, Sie Haben Dort Ausgegliche Reviews.

Die Entwickler Hatten Daraufhin Angekündigt, Sich Um Die Problem Zu Kümmern, Womit nun Dieser Erste Patch Anfangen Soll.

Wie man phand der nots notes sieht, widmet man sich yesterday inspirational absturzursachen und startproblemen. ZUDEM Rät Man ZU EINEM UPDATE AUF Die AKTUllLSTEN GRAFIKKARTENTIBER.

Dabei BenDass Das yesterday nur ein ein erster Schritt sei: “Einige Themen Können Eine Längere Untersuchung unfordern. Problem Haben Werden.”

Yesterday die KOMPLETEN Patch Notes Für Die Sims 1 UND 2 IM überblick:

Sims Correction of problems:

  • Alt + tab or alt + input can sometimes cause a crash
  • Alt + input can sometimes cause the Windows title bar hidden
  • Alt + input may sometimes not switch between the fashion in full screen and feverish
  • On some systems, the Sims may seem to get started and go out immediately (no flash screen displayed)
  • Sims should now be launched in most situations
  • In some cases where there is an underlying graphic problem, the Sims will display a message
  • Some players are unable to click on different parts of the neighborhood card
  • The travel screen, when it moves between the districts / worlds, can sometimes seem blurred or penetrated
  • Sims can plant if you are not on the default district, interact with another SIM, then save
  • When you use Alt + enter the cycle window and zoom sizes, the HUD can be cut. At this zoom level, the Sims will now be in the top of the screen.
  • In certain situations in feverish mode, the title bar may not be visible
  • The counter of family friends could not sometimes be visible

The general notes of the Sims:

  • Several players have had problems (for example, the walls, the floors, the objects that do not arise; the game that is not launched; other quirks) which are treated by updating the graphic pilots to the Latest versions. Please make sure your drivers are up to date.
  • The Sims game window is a fixed size that cannot change its basic properties after its launch. The displacement of the window from one monitor to another with a different and less resolution can lead to unexpected results, perhaps even accidents. If you want to run the Sims on this second monitor, please use the option “-Monitor: (open sharp supports) NUM (closed sharp hooks)” to force it to start on the other monitor. “0” is your main instructor, a second instructor is “1” and so on. We investigate the addition of menu option in the future.
  • In some situations, the players noted that music only plays in live mode. Please check your computer’s sound options and make sure everything is properly configured (for example on a Surround 5.1 system, make sure your central speaker works).
  • You may be invited to “activate the help system” every time you return to a house. It’s the game that tries to make you finish the tutorial. This will continue to happen until you finish the tutorial.

Sims 2 fixed problems:

  • Alt-tab or alt + input can sometimes cause a crash
  • Some players of the EA application received an error message indicating that some necessary files were corrupt
  • The game sometimes sagged after creating a family
  • The game was sometimes launched at a small resolution (800×600), then put this small format on the scale to fill the entire instructor
  • In some situations, the game will be launched, then will immediately display a “DirectX” error, requiring the use of the “-W” option to get around the problem
  • Sometimes a SIM (or several Sims) card disappears
  • Sometimes non -adult sims (children, pets) disappeared
  • Certain interactions which result in a transferable reward (for example, a dog returns from work) can cause a crushing of the game
  • Added to certain infinite loading screen problems

SIMS 2 general notes:

  • Several players have had problems that are resolved by updating graphic pilots to the last versions. Please make sure your drivers are up to date.
  • Remember that the “BoolProp TestcheatSetabled” cheat will periodically lead to the game will periodically display various dialog boxes with debugging information. The cheat works as expected.
  • We investigate a problem where during certain cinematographic events (such as extraterrestrial removal), SIM can be reset and the event fails. While we are studying this, you can get around the problem by ensuring that there are no other sims on the lot to observe the event.