
Ferrari brilliantly participated in free training during the Katar-GP

Ferrari brilliantly participated in free training during the Katar-GP

F1 Ferrari GP Katar – Scuderia Ferrari is present in a free training of the Grand Prix of Katar ermutigende Zeichen, which trained Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz in the gems of the engineering of the place and their responsibilities. Die beiden Fahrer started the session with a long vacation and a new period of 1’23’702 and 1’24’089. Anschließend verbesserten sie ihr Tempo: The Monegasse sank in 1’23’419, while the Spaniard sank in 1’23’068.

The last phase of the session is that of the preparation of the soft-reifen, with denen beide ihre best Leistungen erzielten. Leclerc ran a fast race in 1:21:952 minutes and lost at the end of the session, within the Team team, a day of 1:22:535 erreichte. They completed 30 races and monitored qualifying as well as the solidity of the simulation and consistent efficiency.

Die erzielten Ergebnisse stellen einen guten Ausgangspunkt für das Italianische Team dar, the die in the ersten Phase of Wochenendes gezeigte Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bestätigen möchte. The general information provided for the evaluation of qualifications and sessions during a period, preparation and Constancy, is carried out through a general decision. is the new Google News service ausgewählt,
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