
Veterans invited to Midland High to speak and share stories

Veterans invited to Midland High to speak and share stories

MIDLAND, Mich. (WNEM) – It was a day of honor and remembrance at Midland High School on Friday, November 8th.

Ahead of Veterans Day, the school invited current and former military personnel to speak and share their stories.

“This is our 24th year honoring veterans and bringing students and veterans together,” said Connie Beson-Steger, Veterans Day coordinator at Midland High.

Stations were set up so students could learn about things such as different military branches, time periods and skills.

A Navy veteran with more than two decades of service said he hopes students get a real-world idea of ​​what it means to serve in the military.

“I’m just trying to convey real context of what it really means to serve in the military,” he said. “A lot of these kids are looking for this kind of information and it’s very difficult to Google because everyone’s experience is individual and unique. So it’s good for them to be able to hear real truth on the ground.

On Veterans Day, Monday, November 11, Midland High School students will write thank you letters to local veterans.

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