
Is Cillian Murphy in the new movie ’28 Years Later’?

Is Cillian Murphy in the new movie ’28 Years Later’?

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Das Warten hat a in Dede: The speculations about Cillian Murphy’s Rückkehr in “28 Years Later” are vorbei – and sorgen for überraschende Klarheit.

There are two days of “28 Days Later” – Franchise with a dritten zurück: “28 years later“. With Danny Boyle As Stage Manager and Alex Garland as book author, they designed the new film and the first film that revolutionized the Zombie genre. Fans hang on a door with Cillian Murphyin 2002’s “28 Days Later” as Jim, a Zombie explorer to London, the cult status is lost. Murphy did not act in the sequel “28 Weeks Later” 2007. Nonne stellt sich heraus, dass seine Rolle im dritten Teil eine andere Wendung nimmt.

Cillian Murphy and “28 Days Later”: return to the new story of the trilogy

Les Gerüchteküche Brodelte Seit Monaten: Fans Spekulierten, Dass der Oscarpreisträger als Jim zurückkehren könnte. Producer Andrew Macdonald participates in an interview with Empire The best part is that Murphy isn’t in “28 Years Later” on camera inside. The role is to provide background for the film to Kulissen as executive producer. Macdonald attacks him, in his place, Murphy in Zukunft auf irgendeine Weise in die Trilogie einbinden zu können. Die Tür scheint also nicht endgültig geschlossen zu sein.

Is Cillian Murphy in the new movie ’28 Years Later’?
Cillian Murphy in “28 Years Later”? Rätselraten um Rückkehr des Oscargewinners hat ein End © IMAGO / / Columbia Pictures, DNA Films and Decibel Films

Speculation about Cillian Murphy’s angebliche Rückkehr names a mysterious ending, as well as a zombie in the “28 Years Later” teaser for Murphy in Maske Gehalten Wurde. First I saw it, it was the art dealer Angus Neill who took care of this scene. Stage manager Danny Boyle takes care of this English translation: “My friend meint in the trailer, the Leute würden denken, by sei Cillian. I am heaven for unsinn“– kisses and kisses are nice to see.

A franchise with Zukunft: “28 years later” eröffnet new Möglichkeiten

Fans trotted out Cillian Murphy against one of the most notable team members: Neben Boyle and Garland, who directed Nia DaCosta against the Regie des Nachfolgers “28 Years Later: The Temple of Bones”, on January 16, 2026, world first. “28 Years Later” is the story of the strong “Rage Virus” and builds the universe further. Obwohl Murphy is not in a movie to see in his life, although it is a bigger chapter of projects, and the favorite in the new chapter of the harsh saga is rich.

The first trailer for “28 Years Later” is also available. Cillian Murphy and Harry Potter fans have relationships with two men: Ralph Fiennesthe events of the game “28 Years Later”, which is a good word for Cillian Murphy as the new integrated Voldemort.