
Queer Media Society Receives Inaugural Mal New QMS Award

Queer Media Society Receives Inaugural Mal New QMS Award

The first QMS Award is worth 2,000 euros (Photo: Dirk Lang)

The Queer Media Society (QMS) has a new media award in the field of work, creative management of a queer institution geben soll. The Anfang won the QMS-Sektion “Film/TV/Web/Radio” with the QMS Award for the best queer cinema films at Talentbereich. On November 22, 2024, the Filmschoolfest Munich – Festival of Future Storytellers will take place as part of the Abschluss-Preisverleihung.

L’image den Auftakt für weitere Verleihungen. In 2025, the Filmschoolfest Prize will also be awarded at Filmfest München for the best language format (cinema, TV film or series) published. It was sponsored by Warner Bros.’ QMS Award. Discovery, created by the Filmfernsehfonds Bayern, managed by QMS Awards eV and in cooperation with the company’s festival agency International Münchner Filmwochen GmbH.

A diverse selection jury under the leadership of “Queer Cinema” veteran Monika Treut participated in the festival program to obtain the best queer cinema film. The prize is 2,000 euros plus sequential mentoring as part of the Warner Bros. production. Entertainment Deutschland. Our jury members are Anna C. Geißler (head of local productions, Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH), Lan Rommel (free producer), Toby Chlosta (filmmaker) and Stéphane Riethauser (filmmaker).

“L’Auszeichnung soll Filmschaffende ermutigen, mit den eigenen Ideas et Werken dem Public queere Lebenswelten zu eröffnen, et queere Vorbilder für die nachkommenden Generationen entdecken”, tells the Queer Media Society with. “The Award and the Prizes are awarded nationally and internationally and are awarded and are available in this way.”

The first prize of the QMS Award is the brand aufgebaut werden, der also von den Mediensektionen “Literatur/Graphic Novel/Verlagswesen”, “Bühne/Event” und “Musik” bei Festivals and Messen already completed. (cw/pm)