
Tesla behebt Winterproblem: Supercharger charged jetzt viermal schneller

Tesla behebt Winterproblem: Supercharger charged jetzt viermal schneller

The new compressors from Tesla can use the batteries of the vorwärmen Tesla model.

(Tesla)The new compressors from Tesla can use the batteries of the vorwärmen Tesla model.

You said it, you know your Tesla in the middle of winter with a full charge – what do you think of that?

If you are in winter directly on the park square next to Ladesäule fährt, you must have long rental distances as well as in summer. Der Grund: Ein kalter Akku kann aufgrund chemischer Reaktionen den Strom nicht so schnell aufnehmen. Damit der Akku keinen Schaden nimmt, wird der Energiefluss gedrosselt.

First of all, a ready-made battery can be used with great power. This item is subject to Regelfall, the Ladestation is then stored, wenn der Akku eine gewisse Betriebstemperatur erreicht hat. For Tesla Model 3 or Model Y vehicles with background standards and procedures, you need to find out about the Vergangenheit an. Like Tesla Charging on, there is a new generation Supercharger V3 and V4 from the Akku for automatic charging.

This is how the Tesla-Technik works

In the standard range models Tesla Model 3 and Model Y, Lithium-Eisen-Phosphat (LFP) batteries are spoken for. If the temperature drops to zero level, you may not have a charger with a light sensor, which is bright with a speed sensor. Tesla’s Supercharger uses a high-speed turbocharger to supply power to the battery. First, when an ambient temperature drop occurred, the compressor was put to the test throughout Akku’s fuel supply. Der wird dann bis zu viermal schneller geladen als ein kalter Akku.