
Sirona Biochem used a network study for Wirkstoff TFC-1326 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Finanzkommunikation GmbH, History

Sirona Biochem used a network study for Wirkstoff TFC-1326 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Finanzkommunikation GmbH, History

Sirona Biochem Corp. (TSX-V: SBM) (FWB: ZSB) is for sale as verification of a research article has been renamed Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Becannt zu geben.

About the study

The article with the title “The compound TFC-1326 reduces clinical signs of skin aging: evidence from in vitro human adipose and skin models and a pilot clinical trial” Unterstreicht die bahnbrechende Wirksamkeit des von Sirona entwickelten Wirkstoffs TFC-1326 bei der Reduzierung sichtbarer Zeichen der Hautalterung.

Discover the full articles here:

Zugriff auf die Study: “The compound TFC-1326 reduces the clinical signs of skin aging. Evidence from in vitro human adipose and skin models and a pilot clinical trial

Studies carried out by Diva Expertise technology experts in the field of Sirona Biochem technology made it possible to determine the dates following the operation of TFC-1326, at the level of high-level adjustment mechanisms.

Wichtigste Ergebnisse

An hand of strong schrittlichen In-vitro-Modellen for menschliches Fettgewebe and High sowie ainer clinical Pilotstudie wurde gezeigt, dass TFC-1326:

the elasticity and flexibility of the high verbessert

the production of collagen and other extracellular Bestandteilen of the Hautmatrix stimuliert

das Erscheinungsbild von feinen und tieferen Falten verbessert

Use of the clinical studio

The clinical pilot study, in a topical cream with 1% TFC-1326, is a strong guarantee for the safety and effectiveness of the cream. The following words are used:

Sichtbare Verbesserung der Beschaffenheit, des Feuchtigkeitsgehalts et des Gesamterscheinungsbildes der Haut

This article is based on the Potenzial des Wirkstoffs als Anti-Aging-Lösung dernächsten Generation.

Stellungnahme der Unternehmensleitung

“Our innovative solution in hydrating chemistry is a unique source of transformation,” explains Dr. Howard Verrico, CEO of Sirona Biochem. „Die Veröffentlichung dieser Ergebnisse im Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology This is a precaution for TFC-1326 cosmetic nuts for the top. This service allows us to discover the potential of new anti-aging products to be defined.

“This is a Meilenstein wichtiger for Sirona Biochem,” said Dr. Verrico Hinzu. “We have potential business partners and active partners who have the same time for the market development of our own products, with safe products, these technologies circulating in the market and their potential for the sellers who use them. den Globus entfalten kann.“

Information about TFC-1326 and Markennamen

TFC-1326 and seine Salzform, TFC-1325, go under the brands GlycoProteMim sales market.

Read the full studies here:

“The compound TFC-1326 reduces the clinical signs of skin aging. Evidence from in vitro human adipose and skin models and a pilot clinical trial”

Uber Diva Expertise

Diva Expertise is an innovative French biotechnology company located in Toulouse at the Pierre Potier biotechnology center and is an independent specialist.

With more than 15 years of study in physiology and pathophysiology, this Diva Expertise is a company specializing in research and creation of menschlichem websites. Seine Hightech-Plattform offers personalized research services – from in-depth studies to solutions for men.

The image of the skin, of the hypodermis (the dritte Schicht du Haut), offers a complete roll on the homomostasis of the Haut and an ideal place for innovative anti-aging products.

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About Sirona Biochem Corp.

Sirona Biochem is a biotechnology laboratory, a company specializing in innovative cosmetic and dermatological products, with a proprietary technology platform.

Sirona has the function of stabilizing cooling water molecules for specialized operation and safety verification. Seine patented Wirkstoffkomplexe werden an führende Unternehmen in aller Welt in Lizenz vergeben and generieren Einnahmen durch Lizenzgebühren, Meilensteinzahlungen et Royalties.

Work of Sironas, TFChemPlease note that it is in France and in other countries where the prices are different. Hat von der Europäischen Union und der Französischen Regierung various Förderungen erhalten.

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Contact dates

Partner in charge for support:
Christopher Hopton
Financial Director
(604) 641-4466
[email protected]

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