
Great Britain and the EU: Brexit as Dauerzustand

Great Britain and the EU: Brexit as Dauerzustand

Stand: 27.12.2024 10:46 hours

“Get Brexit done” is one of the Conservatives’ speeches. This is therefore not the case, Brexit constitutes a chronic problem within it. Nonne wants the British to have a new deal with the EU aushandeln. Was it the best?

Christoph Prössl

The “Getting Brexit Done” war is Boris Johnson’s. The Satz of the British Prime Ministers has been endgültiges. So the man is also a Haken man inside Austria within the European Union.

Doch so einfach ist es nicht. Das Vereinigte Königreich est ausgetreten, while the Verhältnis zur EU est immersed auf dem Prüfstand. The very senior Prime Minister Keir Starmer will be in charge of the European Commission. It’s a good deal. Den Menschen solle is better with a new Abkommen, Starmer of Zeitung The Sun said in a video interview.

Dramatische Rückgänge beim Umsatz

Gerade is first of all a new Zahlen, the German machine, which is the European Union as a trading partner for Great Britain. During the years 2021 and 2022, British companies invested 32.5 billion euros in the European network – on the occasion of Brexit, in a study by the London School of Economics.

For all small and medium service providers there are people in their trade with the EU or very strict means. The Bürokratie is big, the price is high.

The British Regierung est sous Druck, es fehlen Einnahmen, the Wirtschaftswachstum könnte stärker sein. Rachel Reeves, First World War Finance Minister, has been appointed European Finance Minister.

An unusually delicate Besuch

Allein das ist eine Nachricht wert, weil, under the conservative Regierung ein solcher Besuch undenkbar war. In Brussels, Labor politics is interested in the “reset” of the new labor policy for the EU: “We go further, um our Wachstum anzuschieben, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und den Handel zu fördern. »

Anfang 2025 dürften die Gespräche für ein Veterinärabkommen Fahrt aufnehmen. When British produced products and regional regulations are met by European standards, it is Handel standards that are respected. Kontrollen, Bürokratie, Papierkram könnten wegfallen.

For the Brexit-Befürworter, this is an Albtraum. In Zeitung The Sun, it is written: “Brussels wants to regain control” – “Brussels will be the capital of control”. The explanation is: “Take back control” – “Take back control” – “übernimm die Kontrolle”, which can be found on the UK agency’s website.

Work in defense

The Labor Office must be implemented in a more German machine, because it is not possible to cope with Brexit.

Finance Minister Rachel Reeves said: “I am a development program which aims to ensure the development of the region. We have already thought about this, it is a buyback program in the internal market of the EU, a geographical area, a free agricultural economy.”

And of course the British Regierung is up to the task, because it is still in a difficult position, for all full fragments and also for EU contracts: the “cherry picking”, which is in the immediate future, the Brits can’t choose their Rosinen.

A small problem: is there a problem with a right? Die Briten lehnen eine Zuständigkeit des Europäischen Gerichtshofes ab. And Europe has its own interests: Es geht um Fischerei et die Freizügigkeit für Schüler und Studentinnen, was die Briten bislang ablehnen.

The Brexit war is also an illusion. “Leben mit dem Brexit” would be a pastime.

And then go to the USA

The speech of the European Union is so brilliant that the situation in the United Kingdom is such that the leadership of the European Union has entered into an understanding with the United States in our country. Please note that the British regulations are overnight.

Die Hoffnung ist, 2 Pferde gleichzeitig zu reiten, von Abkommen mit beiden Wirtschaftsräumen profitieren zu können. How to prevent the use of Europe towards the flexibility and advantages of Brexit for the advantages of Austrians towards the EU?

This is an einzuschätzen – also angelichts der Ankündigung du designierten US-Präsidenten Donald Trump, Handelszuführen.