
Have you thought about what PlayStation means to Anders Heißen Sollen? Wir sind froh, dass das nicht passiert ist

Have you thought about what PlayStation means to Anders Heißen Sollen? Wir sind froh, dass das nicht passiert ist

Please note that the Logo and other Names will be displayed. What do you want, welcher?
Please note that the Logo and other Names will be displayed. What do you want, welcher?

Please note that the Logo and other Names will be displayed. What do you want, welcher?

Das Wort “PlayStation” has been designed in all specifications so that it is for people as a synonym for golden video games. Deswegen überrascht es un umso more, dass der Name erst die 2eite Idee ist, die sich schlussendlich durchgesetzt hat. Wir geben das Trivia-Wissen an euch weiter, damit ihr bei eurer nächsten Unterhaltung damit glänzen könnt.

So the PlayStation came true

In the 88. Podcast-Folge von My perfect console with Simon Parkin Simon Parkin spoke to Chris Deering, the current president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, and head of the console’s naming agency.

The PlayStation has become a “Power Station” in the market.

Während das Wort “Station” erhalten bliebe et wir die Power Station weiterhin als PS abkürzen könnten, verschwinden hier auch schon die Gemeinsamkeiten.

People in the German Sprachraum are already present, the power plant is not that difficult to find, but it will meet all needs with it Electric stations zu verwechseln wäre. If you do not have the power to do so, it will last longer in the Abstand in the Middle of the Wortes and will not be exactly the same, but it should be possible to use the power and energy to move.

The current PlayStation is the PS5 Pro, this year it was designed as the same. Here you will find your information as well as our services for a new Pro model:

800 euros for the PS5 Pro - Is it okay?
800 euros for the PS5 Pro - Is it okay?

Starting the video


800 euros for the PS5 Pro – Is it okay?

Deswegen hat sich die Power Station nicht durchgesetzt

The group, we still haven’t heard about the Power Station 5 Pro (urks, allein schon der Name), that’s how it is Problem with interview times in a hat einigen Teilen der Welt gegeben. Konkret bedeutet dass, dass der Name “Power Station” zum Teil is also in the process of war. This is also the case, because we have a button worldwide, in the direction of the Sony powerhouse.

As war issues arise, Ken Kutaragi has embarked on development research, Sony’s new PlayStation console takes care of it. When people from Sony’s marketing department chose the name “PlayStation” and Herrn Kutaragi committed to social development – that’s how the Power Station came to be a bit of a misnomer for a game like the PlayStation.

Team Power Station or Team PlayStation – Which page does it mean?