
Neuer Bildungsplan 2025: Temporary seminar for children and young people!

Neuer Bildungsplan 2025: Temporary seminar for children and young people!

The new education plan 2025 of the Jugendbildungsstätte des Märkischen Kreises is already available and also available online! You are interested in a simple spectrum and image ideas stöbern and sich anmelden. Martina Eisenblätter, director of the youth study office, has an aufregendes program for children and young people, a seminar for young teachers as well as pedagogical training for teachers and teachers.

Klassiker and spannende Neuheiten

Highlights are the seminars “Starke Mädchen” and “Starke Jungs”, which were explained by the creative workshop “Girls on Stage”. Also the Benimm-Kurs “Knigge für Kids” is a bigger Beliebtheit. We invite you to participate in the career guidance seminars “Ranch-Reiten” and “Let’s Stand Up!” – Kletter für Jugendliche“ freuen, während das Wochenendseminar „Let’s stand up! – Kletter für Familien“ für gemeinsame Erlebnisse sorgt.

The new program is the self-management seminar “Starke young women ab 16”, specially designed for young women, aged 16 to 18, which helped create your personal safety and security. A new creative workshop is “Hier komme ICH!” », for children aged 10 to 13 and with an opening for family and friends.

Illustration of the Vereine and Fachkräfte

For organizations and associations, the “group training seminar” is a favorite place that gives the necessary impetus to children and young people. On January 16, you will be interested in two different formats: the “Kompaktwoche” or the “Zwei-Wochenenden-Kurs”. This basic school takes care of the management of the youth card (JuLeiCa), so the other Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind.

Educational specialists and specialists can use the versatile training tools, which are also available as part of the Judgment Card (JuLeiCa). This is the new Fortbildungstag magazine “Knigge für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren”, which aims to create own Knigge-Einheiten for pedagogues Alltag zu entwickeln. Martina Eisenblätter is the person who takes care of him, MP JuBi of the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) as Gut Drauf-Einrichtung zertifiziert, was so in the Bildungsarbeit and the Hausgestaltungwidespiegelt. For more information on seminars and information, see Martina Eisenblätter’s image references for assistance.

What are the analyses, this merger is the best: 14
Comments analyzed in social media: 65
Research reports analyzed: 89