
Gesundheit: Rätselhafte Todesfälle im Kongo: WHO findet mögliche Ursache

Gesundheit: Rätselhafte Todesfälle im Kongo: WHO findet mögliche Ursache

In the Panzi region, 700 kilometers south of the central city of Kinshasa, lies a mysterious story of total loss of property. (Archive image)
In the Panzi region, 700 kilometers south of the central city of Kinshasa, lies a mysterious story of total loss of property. (Archive image)


Residents of the southwest of the Democratic Republic of Kongo are facing malaria problems and serious infections amid a combination of emergency measures at home. The Weltgesundheitsorganization (WHO) is subject to additional labor tests.

430 Labor issue tests positive for malaria and viral infections such as influenza, rhinoviren, SARS-CoV-2, humane coronaviren, humane parainfluenzaviren and adenoviren, and have been tested by WHO on a daily basis.

The Democratic Republic of Kongo announced last December that it had a “state of mind non-existent in the current situation” in “the greatest possible alarm” internally. The mysterious story is located in the Panzi region, 700 kilometers south of the main city of Kinshasa, near Dutzenden Todesfällen geführt.

The first fall occurred in October, but by the end of November there was automatic watering and falling fibers, shock, snow and other symptoms such as frost, snowfall and snowfall. ‘atmosphere.

The WHO will be released on October 24, 2020 until 16 December 891, 48 months later. Etwa die Hälfte der Krankheits- und Todesfälle betraf Kinder unter fünf Jahren et wurden auf af eine nicht diagnostizierte Krankheit zurückgeführt.