
Preloading, boot time and everything else was necessary for launch

Preloading, boot time and everything else was necessary for launch

The big Diablo-Konkurrent Path of Exile 2 was released on December 6 in early access. When you launch it, you will not be able to get it right, but it will be a few days later. The Free2Play model is available for full version in the coming months.

We will take care of all the information available tonight, so that your release can be carried out the same day.

Boot times for Path of Exile 2: Do you want and what platforms do you want to go on?

Early Access starting on all platforms, too Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC, from December 6 to 8 p.m.. This is a global version. Das bedeutet aussi, dass alle weltweit zeitgleich loslegen dürfen, unabhängig von der Zeitzone.

Path of Exile 2 is available for early access gameplay according to all 6 classes and the Endgame map
Path of Exile 2 is available for early access gameplay according to all 6 classes and the Endgame map

Starting the video


Path of Exile 2 is available for early access gameplay according to all 6 classes and the Endgame map

Is Path of Exile 2 ready to enter Early Access?

I owe a Subtützer package erwerben, das euch in der Basisversion je nach Plattform rund 30 Euro costet et neben dem Key auch 300 Münzen (In Game-Währung) enthält. It will cost you 30 euros and you can buy other items from the following store:

You also have access to a Path of Exile account. Falls ihr im Couch-Koop zocken wollt, reicht übrigens ein Unterstützerpacket ein Account:

Preloading and Downloading: Do you have many free games to play and want to download Path of Exile?

Es wird laut Entwickler Grinding Studios Preloading on all platforms is performed. All other news from the Community will be sent to the PC not a dedicated Customer (via X). The splash pages for preloading appear on the platform. You can also get your version with a recent update.

  • Preloading on Xbox Series X/S: Preloading is available
  • Preloading on PS5: Preloading is scheduled for 24 hours before launch, also on December 5 at 8 p.m.
  • Preload on PC: Sollte am 6. December ab 2 Uhr morgens deutscher Zeit verfügbar sein

Download size: Laut der Angabe auf Steam braucht ihr 100 GB freien Speicherto be able to download the ARPG.

What do you think of Path of Exile 2 Early Access?

During early access I got 3 actions from the campaign with a new New Game Plus mode available and you will also be able to enter Endgame. Genauere Infos findet ihr in our grand Inhalts-Übersicht:

Now you can start directly from the start sechs Klassen wählen. Später sollen noch mal genauso viele dazukommen. Braucht ihr noch Entscheidungshilfe? There you will find only one verschaffen overview:

Nach Schätzungen des Entwicklerteams du Path of Exile 2 etwa sechs Monate in early access bleiben. Währenddessen sollen bereits nach und nach zusätzliche Inhalte ergänzt werden. Die Campagne is a Full Release which is fully loaded, the NG+ has allergy-free conditions.

Can I go to Start am Freitag los? And do you already have the first teil gezockt?