
Agents, Locations and Thin Client

Agents, Locations and Thin Client

At the Ignite Partner Conference, Microsoft has a new feature for Partners and Partners introduced. We chat with Ignite for all the most interesting topics: KI respectively co-pilot.

Allen wants the co-pilot’s actions to be displayed simply in the private preview. You can do all of these tasks automatically. The actions are launched in the Microsoft 365 application and are also used like KI-Makro, for nuts. In the Microsoft sample list, users can send emails automatically or automatically when they arrive in the store.

We offer you a new co-pilot agent for Sharepoint, a Dolmetscher agent in Teams for electronic simulation (stimulation simulation included) and an employee self-service agent, which answers the most advanced questions of the financial resource lines of companies. Teams should be sent by an agent for notification and in the planner an agent should be responsible for project management in an automated way.

For teams, we will offer you further Freatures presented, which will allow you to (naturally KI-getriebene) Arbeitsplatz-Organizations-App Places within. Damit sollen sich vor allem the Arbeitsplätze von hybrid arbeitenden Teams einfach planen et reservieren lassen. We also give you the Places in the Empfehlungen ab, an welchem ​​​​Tags are located where you are located, in your office. Please note that there are meetings that take place, the Anwesenheitspläne von Kollegen et Kolleginnen sowie Vorgaben der Vorgesetzten.

Ebenfalls is the new Azure AI Foundry – a platform that manages your KI-Tools. Azure AI Foundry item is Azure AI Foundry SDK (in preview), Azure-AI-Foundry portal (Azure AI Studio ehemals, events in preview) are also available in agent service Azure AI, the “bald” in the preview is available to everyone. .

And last, but not least, a new piece of hardware from Microsoft – a thin client name Windows 365 Link. This is therefore a “first Cloud PC for Windows 365”, with Microsoft’s Cloud PC which can be used. Security is ensured by the design, support for dual 4K monitors, and convenient support like Wifi 6 and Bluetooth 5.3. Available from the Windows 365 link for a price of 350 US dollars in the US market in April 2025. (winner)