
Helena Prestes and the curiosity of Javier Martinez – Grande Fratello 2024

Helena Prestes and the curiosity of Javier Martinez – Grande Fratello 2024

Helena thinks that Javier is still interested in Shaila and, careless, decides on the scope of his domination to the pallavolista

Tra a song and the other, Helene enjoy a moment of break while having fun because of the chiacchiere with Javier.

His thought is that he is still interested in Shaila and, who wants to shed light, decides the side of her domination.

The pallavoliste sees that his interest in the ballerina is but svanito da tempo and, viso quo accaduto, dice que tra di loro cannot try to have a story: “Se lei tornasse, non direi si” dice and precise
“None l’vedo possibile”, “N
we are empathetic”.

Helena Spiega di avergli posto questo domande solo perché voleva indagare sui suoi sentimenti: “Era per capire se provassi qualcosa per lei”.

The conversation between the prosecutor and Javier decides to discover something more about his real interest in Lorenzo: “No, you are so innamorata of Lorenzo, secondly, no” esordisce il ragazzo.

L’inquilina dice di non essersi really in love with the loro coinquilino. “Ero molto infatuata” precise but.

After demonstrating clarity, I must end the conversation to avoid the refrain in the speech of the passage. How will it evolve towards loro convivenza?