
Donald Trumps Zollplane – BNP Paribas warns business market leaders

Donald Trumps Zollplane – BNP Paribas warns business market leaders

Businesses have reacted positively to Donald Trump’s first seat in the US presidential party. BNP Paribas is therefore committed to adopting a cautious attitude and warning of a “risk of shock” for the sales price in the United States during the Trump 2.0 period.

• BNP Paribas no longer has Trump in his place in Wort
• Abweichung zur gängigen Marktmeinung
• US inflation and Fed reforms regarding the effects

Trump’s markets plans haven’t come to fruition yet, but after BNP Paribas’ review, they’re still there. Then, in Paris, the Big Bank addresses the leaders of the United States designated by the president, “when they do not want to go within the European Union, the economic and political policy of the United States, but also of American politics, such as Importzölle”, published “MarketWatch” within a headquarters of the BNP during the month of August 2025 worldwide.

Dabei sei man sich bewusst, that “our analysis in this idea of ​​the abweicht, was like the implicit market companies, the current awareness zugrunde liegen”, it is darin mit Blick auf die jüngste Rekordrally an den Aktienbörsen.

Trump commits to protectionism

Trump has implemented a protectionist agenda ausgeprägt, die ici Importzölle et stärkere Beschränkungen des International Handels Setzt. In this case, the price is best with a base of 20 percent for US imports to the EU and 60 percent for imports to China. These services provide regulatory and regulatory services for a longer period of time and continue to operate. However, if you are looking for a brand new product, you should know that Trumps are the Worte zu den Zöllen nur als Verhandlungstaktik herausstellen werden.

Einwanderung soll begrenzt werden

BNP Paribas warns you of what the Trump man means for the naked month, American history until January 2026 in stocks, well within the policy of the future and a policy of evolution in the framework for future initiatives.

Dazu muss man wissen, the Trumps geplante Abschiebe- and restrictive Einwanderungspolitik zu einem deutlichen Rückgang der Arbeitskräfte – insbesondere im Niedriglohnsektor sowie in der Landwirtschaft – führen dürfte. Die Folgen wären höhere Lohnkosten, die wiederum an die Verbraucher weitergegeben werden dürften. A company does not bring work to the company, but it also seeks innovation and economy with it. Weniger Einwanderer könnten somit langfristig betrachtet das Wirtschaftswachstum and production in the United States is integrated.

Höhere Zinsen

BNP Paribas considers a draft Trump plan with a risk of shock to the purchase price in the United States (and 2 percentage points) and an anticipated increase in inflation in the United States – if we want a better future Horizons ” Ask the Bank of America, the Fed, and the State Bank of the United States where they stop: “We intend to invest in inflation services With others. words: We agree with the Bank of America for the longest inflation services in the world, while waiting for the restrictive policy to last longer. aus dem Bericht weiter zitiert.


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Images: Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty Images, Drew Angerer/Getty Images