
US-Wahl 2024: Trump faces Macron and Selenskij in Paris – Politik

US-Wahl 2024: Trump faces Macron and Selenskij in Paris – Politik

Trump rules BRICS with ‘100% zones’

US President-elect Donald Trump has led the Brics-Bündniss country with high currency values, especially for the US dollar and international instruments. “We are going to use these states to use a new Brics bank and another solution that will allow us to create the best American dollar,” Trump said on the online platform Truth Social. The answers are provided by local authorities “100%”.

Die Abkürzung Bricks steht for die Anfangsbuchstaben of the first countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Anfang dies in the era of Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the Arab Emirate of Dazu. This is an aufstrebender Industrienationen group. Many Länder are striving to achieve a Mitgliedschaft an.

Russia will put the Brics west of the Sanktionen umgehen

At the end of October, the heads of state and government of the United States established a Gipfeltreffen in the Russian millionaire city Kasan. Kremlin leader Wladimir Putin supports the Brics-Länder in closer cooperation in the financial sector. Foreign Minister Dmitry Peskow denied the war, because Moscow realized it, with the help of the Brics in the vanguard of American dollars within the world market. Allerdings hatte Poutine zuvor the Dominanz of the US-Währung kritisiert and angekündigt, innerhalb of the Brics an unabhängiges Zahlungs- and Glasschnungssystem aufbauen zu wollen.

The US-Währung operates most effectively throughout the world. Thanks to the intervention of another, not to the west of Moskau, but to the sanctions imposed internally, the West is going through the wars in Ukraine. Information on the Krieges has Western industrial standards linked to Russia, the specialized financial sector of the Landes takes care of it. Thus, Russia’s international trading information is quickly abgeschaltet, der Zugang zu Dollar and Euro wurde beschränkt.