
the saga is not over, it is also a gas bomb

the saga is not over, it is also a gas bomb

Rieccoci with the little edifying saga of the rifiuti abbandonati vicino ai cestini. Situation that does not accelerate and continues to create tension with additions to traction, as they permeate. in a sindacal vertenza che potrebbe avere nuovi sviluppi. In all this time the situation is not the best: in those days of the journey of travelers from Lecco it is a practical state of all types of rifiuto, understand a gas bomb – if it extends over a certain quantity -, which is obviously part of the category of special pericolosi products, while the interior may contain residues of gas or dust.

rifiuti lecco November 22, 2024 2

The situation in which the photo is described cannot be displayed in the background. Increase, in tempo, its comparisons with pads, toner, handles of varnish, fans, computer, ondulin pieces, ceramics of various kinds, a savior and irons of the agitator. He so much contested “braccialetto” Please note that if the occupants are occupied by the occupants – the vertex indicates that the rim is still visible – it does not change the situation: the new piano messo on the land of the municipality of Lecco and Silea is not a real pleasure for a brake to someone who has trascina ormai of so many years.

Lecco prepares the revolution for a more pulita city

The ribellone of Econord lavoratori

The Vertenza of Econord lavoratori is not so firm. The workers impegnati in the city of the tempo sono surul piede di guerra a causa degli smart trash can and the controls which increase their capacity to confront a task of incivility which does not lead to a reduction are not instantaneous. For this reason, I affidato le loro istanze al sindacato USB Bergamo: “​​​​​I work for Econord di Lecco, adding to the city’s fruit harvest, continues to denounce the quality conditions of its work – looking at the – symbol. An electronic arm to launch operations that have just become clear and control the driver’s position in real time; Please note that due to heavy handling of the washing machine, a lot of damage is caused by undue damage and damage. The conditions that guarantee the safety of workers and that, in this sense, signal the work of work.”

The top of Econord lavoratories

Regardless of how these products are used, this is an unfortunately common problem. Early 2023 in the municipality of Lecco ha voluto farli diventare degli smart trash can: the 620 raccoglitori installed in the city sound statis available of a barcode which, at any time, adds to the devono root “validate” passing through a match this is the label installed on a single report and the dato braccialetto in the all’incaricato endowment; it signals who is coming to the control center and allows the work of the svolto to be monitored.cestini intelligenti lecco

But, as far as the transition to normal is concerned, it is a problem of incivility and malevolence which is much more difficult to eliminate than the good behavior of the large part of the city: it is not difficult, but there are abandoned bags in and out of these. , because come click here to check other growing situations for the life of the capoluogo.

The letter to the Sindaco Gattinoni

“We therefore decided to make a decision with the Lecco company in order to obtain immediate contact to improve working and maintenance conditions to guarantee the safety of everything. We are now more sure to have a dialogue with Econord but it is still a negative state, even if our high representation inside the stability, to the extent that the national contract is not confirmed. We continue to accept the pretentious letter of protest against our writings which intend to invest, in conflict with Law 300/70, the workers facing the next RSU and RLLSA elections. Once again, the workers are not ready to spare the arrogance of the bosses and the indifference of the institutions, in attesting to a response from the first city of Lecco and the workers continue their spinal work and rivendication to the inside and outside the own workstation. “.