
Bund erwägt Complettverkauf von Uniper – Aktie fallt | 13.01.25

Bund erwägt Complettverkauf von Uniper – Aktie fallt | 13.01.25

As Reuters reported within Insider, the Bund published a 99.12 percent package under another Canadian asset manager Brookfield in the newspaper.

Uniper lehnte auf Anfrage von Dow Jones Newswires un Stellungnahme zu dem Bericht ab. Brookfield’s war has no chance of being on the agenda.

A speech from the Federal Ministry of Finance was published on the announcement of this real estate agent, which found speculation “which is generally not commented on.” This is the declaration made in September 2024.

The time of the Ministry of Finance was established by the Bund, which was established by the European Commission under an employment contract at the university until 2028 at most at 25 percent plus reduction action. The Bundesregierung has the Energy Board until the end of Russian gas transmission services for maintenance service and is underway in December 2022. In September 2024, the Ministry of Finance announced capital market management with the central management option of the federal authorities for the reprivatization of Uniper. The Konzern had a record time with a value of 18.4 billion euros.

Laut Reuters is a deal until summer. The Bundestag will seek a European Union regulation to obtain dividends. In the Regierung werde erwartet, dass hierfür vor der Wahl zumindest noch ein Anlauf genommen wird. A study is carried out from the Zeit Kurzen to the ambition of Wahl, therefore Reuters under the direction of the board of directors.

The Uniper-Aktie is announced via XETRA zeitweise 1.23 percent to 43.32 euros.