
Rätselhafter Fall: Leiche à Hamburger Elbe gefunden

Rätselhafter Fall: Leiche à Hamburger Elbe gefunden

Am Hamburger Elbfähren-Anleger Teufelsbrück est un person leblose im Fluss entdeckt worden. The resuscitations of a notary and a country will be taken into account as part of the assembly, as a police speech says. Die Leiche, deren Identität bislang ungeklärt ist, wurde zum Institut für Rechtsmedizin gebracht, wo sie untersucht wird.

The police don’t have time today, because it’s a Swedish hand, as the speech says. Das Landeskriminalamt hat Ermittlungen aufgenommen. More details are not available.

You can choose from the “Hamburger Abendblatt”. In the Zeitung it is said that the Hermittler announced an article about the person who lost the war on the Elbe, or about other people who were killed.

The Elbe has this temperature which reaches a temperature of around 3 degrees Celsius. Temperatures are at 12 degrees and the water temperature is lower than 12 degrees.