
Michelle Sidwell becomes CRO for research at Metall-3D-Drucker-Hersteller Velo3D

Michelle Sidwell becomes CRO for research at Metall-3D-Drucker-Hersteller Velo3D

PeopleMetall-3D-Drucker by Velo3D

Michelle Sidwell has become Chief Revenue Officer ((CRO) of Velo3D to ensure the companies new business strategy. With their global experience in innovative technology in the market, company training is planned for Metall-3D printing.

  1. Michelle Sidwell named chief revenue officer at Velo3D.
  2. Ihre Verantwortung umfasst die global Leitung von Vertrieb, Marketing und Kundenservice.
  3. Sidwell brings over 20 years of experience in market transformation technology with.
  4. Velo3D will have a new green strategy within the metal fabrication company in the Metall-3D printing workshop.
  5. Die Sapphire-Drucker von Velo3D ermöglichen die Fertigung complex Metallteile sans Stützstrukturen.


Michelle Sidwell The position of Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at Velo3D is held by a Metall-3D-Drucklösungen chief analyst for engineering projects. This Description of Velo3D. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Vermarktung transformativer Technologien wird sie la global Vertriebs- et Geschäftsentwicklung des Unternehmens leiten. Your Rückkehr has worked on a point of time, in the new technology development strategy Velo3D, to make the 3D printing technology on the market more advanced.

Neuausrichtung der Vertriebsstrategie

CEO Arun Jeldi responded to this personal statement:

“Michelle Sidwells has universal expertise and her collaboration with Velo3D is essential to creating a new sustainability strategy. Their methods, new products for the launch and solutions for the entwickeln, help us, our guarantee in the additive fertigung more auszubauen.“

Sidwell provides comprehensive services to women’s clothing stores at Salesloft, Yext, Adobe and other companies with. Bei Salesloft is both the Global Enterprise Business headquarters and customer support service, in addition to a KI management platform for green projects. Während ihrer Zeit bei Yext will inform you about investors who expect the money to be 60 million to 300 million US dollars to pay and the stock exchange to do so.

Overall objective of transport management

In its new Rolle with Sidwell for vertical, marketing and technical services teams in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. You will find the Geschäftsentwicklung von Velo3D vorantreiben et Engineer aus verschiedenen Branchen dabei unterstützen, die Vorteile des Metall-3D-Drucks pour komplexe Fertigungssanforderungen zu nutzen.

Sidwell said:

“That’s what struck us is that Velo3D has become a hat. Today I strive to introduce you to the most advanced technical means and technical skills to help you.

Velo3D started in 2014 and started in 2018 with the development of Sapphire-3D-Drucker software. With the Sapphire These 3D printers integrate the complex metallurgical enterprise without aufwändige structures and new experienced engineers within the production structure. Discover the many Velo3D articles available in the 3D Grenzenlos magazine (zum kostenlosen Newsletter anmelden).