
Crunch-Gefühl mit jedem Happen | Trade Journal

Crunch-Gefühl mit jedem Happen | Trade Journal

Konstante Weiterentwicklung is what’s happening

Wie in jedem Unternehmen ist aussi bei der Wander AG das Thema Nachhaltigkeit wichtig. “Ovomaltine is produced in Switzerland and Rohstoffe will be there, when we are closest, in the region. We chose Swiss rap oil like palm oil and our Kakao is Rainforest-Alliance certified,” said Christina Kieni Römer. “Ausserdem sind wir gefordert, unseren CO2-Fussabdruck continuierlich zu reduzieren. This is the packaging agency that offers us resources for insertion and implementation of alternative packaging, verification and analysis, or the Strom company, which is at “source of renewable energy, below around 10 percent at the level of clean photovoltaics.”