
Terroranschlag auf Passagierflugzeug von 1988: Colin Firth as fanatischer Aufklärer

Terroranschlag auf Passagierflugzeug von 1988: Colin Firth as fanatischer Aufklärer

Architect Jim Swire (Colin Firth) worked as a businessman and plane owner in shipping the bombs to Pan-Am-Flug 103 from London to New York at the end of in the year 1988, 270 men of their readings. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

Architect Jim Swire (Colin Firth) worked as a businessman and plane owner in shipping the bombs to Pan-Am-Flug 103 from London to New York at the end of in the year 1988, 270 men of their readings. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

On December 21, 1988, last weekend, the Pan-Am flight occurred at 103 o’clock in the morning of the London flight from Heathrow to New York. 38 Minuten nach dem Start explodes a bomb in the bomb geschmuggelte im Frachtraum des Flugzeugs. Der Passagierjet zerbrach in viele Einzelteile. Trümmerteile töteten in der southschottischen Gemeinde Lockerbie elf Personen. Also the passenger and passenger compartments are lowered. Instructions for the Lockerbie-Anschlag 270 Tote. One of the Opfers is the young artist Flora Swire, who will take care of her American friend’s vacation. Lockerbie terrorism is one of the criminal complexes of the new era. Libya under the command of Oberst Muammar al-Gaddafi goes bald under the Verdacht, for the attack verantwortlich zu sein. The last time you spend it is when you have a larger version of the product that is left in neutral in the Niederland. Doch bis heute sind viele Détails der Tragödie nicht aufgeklärt oder broadsprüchlich. Oscar commissioner Colin Firth (“The King’s Speech”) starred in the acclaimed Sky series “Lockerbie: A Search For Truth” by architect and author Jim Swire, of his seine Tochter auf Flug 103 verlor.

English professor Jim Swire (Colin Firth, links) took part in an interesting solo mission to Libya to the Oberst dictator Muammar Gaddafi (Nabil Al Raee, right). (Image: © Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.)

English professor Jim Swire (Colin Firth, links) took part in an interesting solo mission to Libya to the Oberst dictator Muammar Gaddafi (Nabil Al Raee, right). (Image: © Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.)

While Vater von Flora with Jim Swire participates in the dissemination of the British Anschlags offer and in the era of the fanatical private future, the fall of the larger life unfolds aufklären möchte. The real Jim Swire, aged 88 and counting, worked for several years in the fall on the book “The Lockerbie Bombing: A Father’s Search for Justice” with Peter Biddulph on paper. They and others chose school playwright David Harrower (“Blackbird”) for a fascinating performance (early Tuesday, January 16, near Sky/Wow).

Private researcher Jim Swire (Colin Firth) is on the path of life, near Libya. However, if you do not have any problems, you will not be able to do so. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

Private researcher Jim Swire (Colin Firth) is on the path of life, near Libya. However, if you do not have any problems, you will not be able to do so. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

Jim Swire, himself a businessman, a classic English gentleman, worked with Mrs. Jane (Catherine McCormack, “Slow Horses”) and other children, a man in a war mistake and what has been going on all this time. herauszufinden. Dabei resists the British against the Libyan in Gaddafi, engaging within the Congress of the Parliament of the Netherlands and in collaboration with political leaders and international protagonists of the conflict.

Theatrical film is an Oscar contender

Jim Swire (Colin Firth) with flashbacks to the best times: Three children enjoy creating their traditional crafts on the beach at the holiday homes, in their everyday life Urlaube says wurden. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

Jim Swire (Colin Firth) with flashbacks to the best times: Three children enjoy creating their traditional crafts on the beach at the holiday homes, in their everyday life Urlaube says wurden. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

Jane (Catherine McCormack), her daughter Flora has put on her hat, her hat is in the hand of her daughter Aufklärungs-Manie ses Ehemannes Jim in Leiden. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

Jane (Catherine McCormack), her daughter Flora has put on her hat, her hat is in the hand of her daughter Aufklärungs-Manie ses Ehemannes Jim in Leiden. (Image: © 2024 Carnival Film & Television Limited)

The animated film Colin Firth, who heard the film “Bridget Jones”, plays this English Jedermann, the man for his hero Heldentum feiern möchte, but his quest is self-taught. Dabei hat die einerseits conventionell erzählte, aber in ihrer filmischen Qualität dennoch fesselnde Erzählung noch andere Stärken: Da wäre zum einen die Akribie, in der jedes Detail et viele der Theorien des Falles von Regisseur Otto Bathurst (“The Winter King”) in Szene gesetzt werden. The series began with a fascinating drama, a catastrophe with images inspired by the Flugzeugabsturzes sowie der Studie eines Verlustes, wird sie ab Folge deux zum factreichen Research Film and Court Room-Drama. Trotzdem kommt excellent des guten Buches et exzellenter Darsteller-Riege auch das Menschliche nie zu kurz.

The theatrical film “Lockerbie: A Search For Truth” was also nominated for an Oscar nomination. The Fernseh-Miniserie created auf knapp fünf Stunden angelegte stoff dagegen gelegenheit, sowohl den Tailailreichtum eines complex Falls and the Schwierigkeit der Wahrheitsfindung zu erzählen, as well as a family staff in a role-playing game of the time. “Lockerbie: A Search For Truth” is one of the best classic drama miniseries for October 2025. (tsch)