
Big Finale am Sonntag yesterday gucken

Big Finale am Sonntag yesterday gucken

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Find out everything about the 2025 Kings of Nations World Cup final: data, schedule, Australia selection and a conflict of interest with the Bundesliga.

The war took place on Sunday, January 12, 2025, during the Grand Final of the Kings of Nations World Cup. Millions of fans come from all over the world, when they have the best Mannschaften at the Allianz Stadium (Juventus Stadium) in Turin. Hier erfahren Sie alles Wichtige zum Endspiel – von den Teilnehmern über die Anstoßzeit bis hin zu the best Übertragungsmöglichkeiten.

Final of the 2025 Kings of Nations World Cup: all the newspapers zum live gucken

Was this played in Finale? The finalists will be the semi-finals on Friday, January 10, 2025, festival. The results may not be corrected if they are removed from the Ko-Runde. It’s certain: the final game will be a highlight for fans of the most beautiful 7-gegen-7-Fußballs action games. Germany is definitely not dabei.

Damn, League of Kings final: The Kings-League-Final will be a world victory, a soda man with an Ausrede hat, who is up to it. Here you will find the wichtigsten Übertragungsplattformen:

Big Finale am Sonntag yesterday gucken
In the Kings League semi-final, the matches Marokko against Kolumbien and Mexiko against Brazil. © League of Kings

The Halbfinalist of the Kings World Cup Nations stehen fest. On Friday January 10, 2025, these are the following recommendations:

  • 6:00 p.m. (MEZ): Morocco against Kolumbien
  • 7:00 p.m. (MEZ): Mexico vs. Brazil

Germany in the Kings League – Mario Götze meint: “Werden gestärkt daraus hervorgehen”

Fur Team Deutschland war das Turnier eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle. After a match against Peru (4:2), the match against Brazil took place in 2:9 – the Seleção also returned to the 7-2-Trauma of the WM. In the competitive game of Mexico, the German Mannschaft trotted a harder Leistung did not take place and played with a 3:6 of the Kings League aus.

Mario Gotzeteam president and 2014 world master, is so optimistic: “War is first. We were nominated by Germany in the League of Kings. Nächstes Jahr greifen wir wieder an.“ Trotz des Ausscheidens bleibt die Teilnahme un plus grand Schritt pour l’establishment de la Ligue des Rois en Germany.

League of Kings versus Bundesliga: Ein Konkurrenzkampf der Formate?

The Kings League final at 6:00 p.m. will take place directly in the Bundesliga. A fast time for the FC Augsburg vs. Party VfB Angepfiffen from Stuttgart. Während the Bundesliga mit Tradition and bekannten Gesichtern punkten kann, bietett the Kings League Action, Spektakel et un Jeune, Digital Flair. Could this be the second child? It’s clear: Beide Formate kämpfen um die Aufmerksamkeit der Fans – et jedes hat seinen ganz eigenen Reiz.

German Kings League Team Mario Götze
Kings World Cup Nations: Sunday’s grand final takes place in the Bundeslinga © Kings League

Was the Kings League so insane? Die von Gerard Piqué won the League of Kings Revolutionary Fußball hat. With your compact format, the innovative regulation and integration of the Joker card is available for the entire duration. We believe the 7-gegen-7 system, games and Tore specifications are guaranteed. Kein Wunder, the world format is booming and is also bald in Germany starten soll. German football players will have the pleasure of playing on German streamer like EliasN97.