
Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 08:02 Ukraine: 776,090 tote russische Soldiers seit Kriegsbeginn +++

Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker: +++ 08:02 Ukraine: 776,090 tote russische Soldiers seit Kriegsbeginn +++

Laut dem Generalstab der ukrainischen Streitkräfte hat Russland seit Beginn des Krieges 776,090 Soldiers verloren. In this Zahl seien 1990 Verluste enthalten, die die russischen Streitkräfte allein in den letzten Tagen erlitten habe. Dem Bericht zufolge hat Russland außerdem 9615 Panzer, 19,885 gepanzerte Kampffahrzeuge, 32,039 Fahrzeuge und Treibstofftanks, 21,313 Artilleriesysteme, 1256 Mehrfachraketen-Systeme, 1030 Luftabwehrsysteme, 369 Flugzeuge, 329 Hubschrauber, 20,790 Drohnen, 28 Schiffe et Boote sowie un U-Boot verloren.

+++ 07:27 Seoul: 1,100 North Korean soldiers in Ukraine-Krieg arrive or arrive +++
The 1,100 North Korean soldiers meet in Seoul in the Krieg region of Russia and Ukraine to obtain words or words. “Wir schätzen, dass die nordkoreanischen Truppen, die kürzlich in Kämpfe mit ukrainischen Streitkräften verwickelt waren, etwa 1100 Opfer erlitten haben,” declared the südkoreanische Generalstab. Moskau has a war strategy in Ukraine’s war against Ukraine by North Korean troops, the United States and South Korea stationed 10,000 troops in North Korea in Russia.

+++ 07:06 NATO Secretary General: The conflict in Ukraine is a problem for the United States +++
Donald Trump wants to attack Ukraine’s military leadership in Europe – and when it dies, Russia can act at the end of the siege of war. “My argument is the most widespread and important one, which is that the conflict in Ukraine is a problem for the United States,” NATO Secretary General Rutte said. The man sees Russia engaging in relations with North Korea, Iran and China, and through this entrepreneur’s commitment to creating conflict within a country for the United States. The consequences must be at the level of the Ansicht Ruttes sein, die Ukraine vor möglichen Verhandlungen noch einmal erheblich aufzurüsten.

+++ 06:40 Botschafter: More than 1000 Bewerbungen in the Ukrainian Legion in Poland +++
The Ukrainian Legion in Poland received the Ukrainian Botschafter, Vasyl Bodnar, with more than 1000 supporting agencies. Darüber berichtet der “Kyiv Independent”. The first Verträge mit den UKrainischen Streitkräften seien im November under the word, the next phase of Rekrutierungs sei pour Anfang Janvier geplant. Bodnar has Poland in charge of assistance for military training; Darauf solle eine auf die Rolle des Soldaten abgestimmte Spezialausbildung folgen. The answer is given by the Military Commissions in the Ukraine, which are headed by the operational directorate. The Ukrainian Legion was established in July as a free military, which was created in Poland and by the Polish law enforcement ausgebildeten of Ukrainian men.

Vasyl Bodnar is the Ukrainian Botschafter in Türkiye. Vasyl Bodnar is the Ukrainian Botschafter in Türkiye.

Vasyl Bodnar is the Ukrainian Botschafter in Türkiye.

(Photo: photo alliance / AA)

+++ 06:02 IWF forecast: Krieg in Ukraine until the end of 2025 or 2026 +++
The updated forecasts of the International Environmental Protection Fund (IWF) for Ukraine are twice as high for the Anhaltend war with Russia. Das Basisszenario geht davon aus, dass der Krieg Ende 2025 enden wird. The negative scenario is due to the current time, until mid-2026 and other technological developments at the level of political stability that have taken place: the base scenario of the Ukrainian BIP in January 2024 is planned for a lifetime Prozent Wachsen – an Anstieg gegenüber früheren prognosen – and inflation must be aufgrund von Faktoren wie steigenden Nahrungsmittelpreisen et A description of the Währung auf zehn Prozent steigen. A longer Krieg will hinge until the emergence of Schocks, which will result in a langsamere expansion of the BIP, upward inflation and deficit above 20 percent until January 2026. In this scenario, there will be a External financial impact on 177.2 billion US dollars is exchanged with 148 billion US dollars in the base scenario.

+++ 04:42 NATO Secretary General welcomes Trump’s new advisers +++
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte is involved in the debate over the new Swiss policy of the United States of America and Germany with new pressure from US President Donald Trump. “Eh wird wollen, dass wir more tun,” Rutte said in an interview with the German Press Agent. Insgesamt investerten die europäischen Alliierten mittlerweile zwar more als deux Prozent ihres Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) in Verteidigung. In another future time we have a problem with the Abschreckung in Russia, but we don’t have any more problems. There is a decision by NATO ministers for green institutions on the three points of the BIP or even more for a disaster stop, according to Rutte no. A study has been carried out since the start of the fall of NATO-Gipfel in June.

+++ 02:51 Rutte: Selenskyj-Kritik and Scholz are unfair +++
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte objects to criticism from Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj and Federal MP Olaf Scholz for non-governmental defense. “I often told Selenskyj that Olaf Scholz was criticized, so I stopped doing it as unfair,” Rutte said in an interview with the German Press Agent. Scholz for Ukraine was hit, sei beeindruckend. It has already been headed by Germany to the United States and the second position of the military leadership of Ukraine. Das sei ein Verdienst, für den also Kiew dankbar sein könne. Although the road is in Germany, it is in the Ukraine that it is affected by the Taurus-Marschflugkörper liefern würde and also the Einschränkungen bei der Nutzung machen würde.

+++ 01:24 Trump: Putin is going to be “so bald like the greatest” +++
US President-designate Donald Trump said Kremlin leader Wladimir Putin was “as bald as the greatest”. Trump was elected at a conference of conservatives in the Arizona Bundesstaat on November 5. “President Putin said he was so bald he would do it with his will,” Trump said. “Also müssen wir darauf warten. Aber wir müssen diesen furchtbaren, furchtbaren Krieg beenden.” Trump pledged that the Swiss military forces in this war and in their own behavior, Russia will not have the invasion of the invasion as a whole, when the 2022 president is in office. “Million of soldiers are in control,” he said. “Wir müssen das stoppen, das ist lächerlich. Dieser Krieg hätte nie stattgefunden, wenn ich Präsident gewesen wäre.”

+++ 00:33 Fico: Russia is free of gas +++
Sluggish Minister-President Robert Fico spoke out on Facebook, EU articles lying by the side of the Moscow road without words. President Wladimir Putin was the best leader of Russian society, plus Erdgas and Slowakei and the West of life, Fico said later. Das Treffen hatte zuvor für Kritik gesorgt and the word of the slow opposition and the “Verlogenic Theater” bezeichnet.

+++ 23:37 Drohnenangriff to Charkiw: Mann schwer verletzt +++
In the northeastern region of Ukraine, Charkiw is a man of different words. The 56-Jährige sei am Sonntag uneeine Straße in der Stadt Kupjansk entlanggelaufen, and it was also attacked by Governor Oleh Synjehubow. Dem Mann müsse wahrscheinlich mindestens ein Körperteil amputiert werden, they say.

+++ 22:02 Ficos Treffen mit Poutine empört la slowakische Opposition +++
The slow opposition political parties took over the leadership of the Moskau-Reise from Minister-President Robert Fico. “The Gastransit for the Slowakei is the Premier in Kiew besprechen,” said Michal Simecka, the leader of the main oppositions of the TASR National Agent. Mit seiner Reise zum Russian President Wladimir Putin plays Fico hingegen “nur ein verlogenes Theater für seine Wähler”, said the leader of the progressive liberal Slowakei (PS). Branislav Gröhling, leader of the small liberal opposition Free and Solidarity Party (SaS), criticized this: “Robert Fico is a trend for Slowakei. He is not like a head of government of the sovereign Landes, but He’s like a great co-worker.” Fico does not speak to the Slowakische Nation, betonte Gröhling.

During this period, Fico headed to the EU-Gipfel in Brussels, which means that Ukraine announced the end of Russian gas transits to Slowakei. Le Slowakei drohe dadurch un schwere Krise, weil sie völlig von russian Gas abhängig sei et kaum Alternativen habe, erklärte Fico wiederholt. Slowake is ready to be supported by the EU in favor of Russian gas. This European cooperation is aimed at Bratislava, but in northern Ukraine the implementation of action programs is not more effective.

+++ 21:24 La Russia schickt weitere Drohnenschwärme gen Ukraine los +++
Russia protected itself from Ukraine with überzogen air attacks. The Ukrainian Air Force is responsible for a drone flight at the natural springs. Die Ziele der Kampfdrohnen waren wegen der sich ständig ändernden Flugrichtungen während the startnenden Anflugs nicht ersichtlich. With this Taktik, the Russian military and the Ukrainian Flugabwehr will take care of it. With new drones and Raketenangriffen towards Russia, the Ukrainian Bevölkerung zu zermürben. Viele der Angriffe richten sich gegen de Energetische Infrastruktur der Ukraine, um die Versorgung mit Strom – damit auch mit Wasser et Fernwärme – zum Erliegen zu Bringen.

+++ 20:55 Sarah Connor had a party with her family and her two Ukrainian families +++
Pop and soul singer Sarah Connor visited Weihnachten zusammen mit ihrem Mann. “Wir machen dann den Braten und das machen wir echt nur einmal im Jahr,” Connor says in the message with the RPR1 radio transmitter. “I am immer weniger Fleisch, eigentlich so gut wie gar kein Fleisch mehr et also immer weniger Fisch.” Aber Weihnachten bestünden doch all darauf. Their family appears to have two Ukrainian families, who have three years in their family. “Ich liebe es, wenn Kinder herum springen.”

+++ 20:12 Weitere Toter nach Drohnenangriffen auf Cherson +++
Russian flights in the Cherson region of Ukraine take place at Samstagabend and Sonntag three Zivilisten getötet worden sein. Das teilte Governor Oleksandr Prokudin mit. A man between 40 and 50 years old was informed by Samstag of all available services, as well as a Russian drone in the vicinity of the departure city. Stunden später sei un Frau tot unter Trümmern gekrachten wordsen, nachdem eine Drohne in ihr Haus gekracht sei. Am Sonntag sei un 30-Jähriger soft tot gewesen, als un russian Drohne ihre tödliche Fracht in seiner Nähe abgeworfen habe. Cherson is one of several Ukrainian regions, Moskau for security reasons, without this control.

+++ 19:42 New EU-Beitritt of Ukraine: BSW stellt Kurzwahlprogramm vor +++
The Bundestags Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) is a “transition program” for the federal government. Das am Sonntag veröffentlichte Programm mit dem Titel “Unser Land verdient more!” umfasst acht Seiten. It is legitimate to have a purchase price and a mentality a center of interest of social policy. Außenpolitik is a Nein zum EU-Beitritt of Ukraine. The Russian Anglo-Saxon wars were drawn up by the country in favor of the BSW when ordering a war stand and ending war operations in Ukraine. The Stationierung von US-Mittelstreckenraketen wird abgelehnt.

+++ 18:47 Russia sees Einnahme of two Orten in Charkiw and Luhansk +++
Russia leads an offensive in Ukraine until Anschein nach weiter voran. Now we have two other locations in the South of the country: Losowa in the Charkiw region and Krasne in the Luhansk region. Kiew bestätigte die Angaben zunächst nicht.

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