
Over 1 Million Sales and a Pass-Hit Game

Over 1 Million Sales and a Pass-Hit Game

GSC Game World was launched and STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl was released on November 20 for a million dollars.

In a fight auf game pass The game has been played.

STALKER 2 created player auf ganzer Linie. When the Steam releases the title, it lasts for 21,000 positive messages, but we also have the game to play with Bugs and Performance-Problems.

Angesichts dessen, was the Studio durchgemacht hat and the Tatsache, because it is a small independent studio that helped me, the Heart of Chornobyl in its absolute Geld was and the player is not enthusiastic.

During a period of team work immersed in the heart of Chernobyl, we discovered many adventures and looked back for wonderful chatter.

One of the biggest world wars of the Krieg War between Ukraine and Russia was the Studio zwang umzuziehen and an inige Entwickler zurückzulassen.

And for Game Pass, it’s a bigger game. Zwar Hat GSC keine genauen Zahlen veröffentlicht, doch die Betonung, the “old more Stalker” the Game über den Game-Pass-Service genießen, deutet auf a great popularity on the platform.

Trotz der Möglichkeit, das Spiel kostenlos über Game Pass zu spielen, verkaufte est sich sur tous platforms porvorragend – sur Steam erreichte es am Veröffentlichungstag un Höchststand von über 100,000 gleichzeitigen Spielern.

The game It is available for Game Pass and in all stores such as Gog, Steam and Epic.

What: Insider games