
Why was the episode of SpongeBob Squarepants prohibited on television television? Details explored

Why was the episode of SpongeBob Squarepants prohibited on television television? Details explored

Nickelodeon’s cartoon SpongeBob Squarepants was created by Stephen Hillenburg in 1999, and he was one of the most popular cartoons for children.

The series follows SpongeBob SquarepantsA sea sponge that lives in a pineapple house and works as a cook in a fast food. The episodes follow his adventures with his aquatic friends like Krusty Crab, Patrick and Squidward.

Many fans of the show would know that one of his episodes, Crustacean half-life, is prohibited because of his Xual references and his inappropriate scenes for a child.

It was officially removed from Nickelodeon and paramount in 2018 and has not been rotary since then.

More about the SpongeBob Squarepants Prohibition of the episode in our history.

Why was SpongeBob Squarepants Crustacean episode half-Vie Banned on television?

The 11 -minute episode is part of the second segment of episode 15 of season 3, and it was deleted from Nickelodeon in 2018.

In the episode, as his name suggests, Mr. Krabs has a crisis half-life and wants to feel young again. Thus, he goes to Spongebob and Patrick about his problem, and they suggest that they make a “panty raid”. Yes, now you see why the ban!

So, as his two friends suggest, the three of them take place on this bizarre raid where they enter the house of a woman and steal a pair of underwear. The woman later turns out to be other than Mr. Krabs’ mother, which implies that he actually stolen her mother’s underwear with her two friends.

When the three friends steal the underwear, Mr. Krabs’ mother catches them and asks: “What are you doing with my blues?” To which he replied that he did not know that it was his mother’s house.

The episode ends with Mr. Krabs’ mother the fondant in his childhood room for the night, which makes him feel young again. So the successful mission, isn’t it?

Reddit reactions to SpongeBob Squarepants episode ban

Considering that Nickelodeon prevented him with rotation in 2018 means that he was broadcast before, and a considerable amount of people have already looked at him in the air or various other sources.

Some Reddit users like, U / Stellasutkiewicz119Think that the prohibition of the episode was not done because the cartoons do not hesitate to show violence in the cartoons of children, so why natural things related to S * x:

“There are tons of acts of animated violence in each episode of a surrealist cartoon like Spongebob. But violence can go through this country and anything that is vaguely doing with sex that a child could see people, some people, will suppose the scars for life. ”

Another user, U / FLCLHACthink that while the SpongeBob Squarepants The episode was inappropriate, it should not have been prohibited:

“ I understand why they pulled the episode, but they try to clean it from existence and I am never in favor of that. ”

Although there are also users like, U / WhatnofnzitiWho think that having such a kind of scenes in the cartoon of a child was inappropriate and should not have been part:

Yeah, it has a total meaning. An episode encouraging children to fly girl underwear has no sense in the program of a child. ”

Although the Internet seems divided, the network is sure of its decision and the episode is not available to broadcast on official sites to date.

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