
My take: We owe a lot to this country’s veterans – Albert Lea Tribune

My take: We owe a lot to this country’s veterans – Albert Lea Tribune

My take: We owe a lot to this country’s veterans

Published at 8:45 p.m. on Tuesday November 5, 2024

My View by Brad Kramer

As Veterans Day approaches, on behalf of the Freeborn County Republican Party and our community, I sincerely thank you. It is because you answered one of the most difficult calls a person can make that our nation is free. “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. »—John 15:13.

My take: We owe a lot to this country’s veterans – Albert Lea Tribune

Brad Kramer

It is in their honor that I name the things I love most about this great nation. It is veterans who have paid the greatest price for our freedoms. Their sacrifices and those of their fallen brothers and sisters are the reason we have a nation worth fighting for. Your sacrifices are not forgotten and we must renew our efforts so that your scars are never in vain.

Although America is not perfect, it has given the world a vision of freedom that is surpassed only by God’s vision for us, transmitted through Christianity.

Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic. It has been understood since the founding of our great nation that it is imperative that a free citizen have the right to freely express themselves.

The fact that you and I can openly disagree about our government and our politicians, and that we can call out our governor and our president for lying, is a right that very few societies in the history of the world have enjoyed. Try this in Marxist countries like Cuba, Russia or China, and you may find yourself disappearing in the middle of the night.

The enemy of our society is not “hate speech,” “misinformation,” or “disinformation,” but rather the tyrants who attempt to shut down speech.

Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic model in world history. As a child and young adult, I experienced poverty, coming from a broken home and dysfunctional family. Yet I am not unique in these experiences, as many in our community have struggled with even worse conditions, and many still do. I watched our vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s autobiographical film “Hillbilly Elegy” long before I had any idea who he was and recognized the instability and dysfunction of my own childhood. Seeing a man like Vance with a childhood even more disastrous than mine standing on the stage next to President Trump; RFK, from one of the most important political families in the world; and Elon Musk, who came from a difficult background and is now one of the richest and most successful people in the world, should give us all hope that no matter where we come from, we we control our own destiny.

If you are willing to work hard and find a way to bring something to market that brings value to others and work hard and smart, there is nothing standing in the way of success. Most millionaires and billionaires are self-made and not inherited, and nothing drives someone to start a business to help others around them than getting out of poverty. The American dream is only dead if you lack the audacity to dream and the work ethic to bring it to life. Capitalism has led to more breakthroughs than any other economic model because it combines the pursuit of what people need with someone’s ability to prosper from what they build. Our greatest progress has come not from government or institutions like universities, but rather from capitalists who have taken great risks to achieve their dreams.

Freedom of religion means we can honor God as we wish. The government cannot intervene if we do not infringe on the rights of others. And fortunately, the “right” not to be offended that many think they have is not a real right (see the section on free speech). America has a rich history of faith, especially Christianity, that leads us to accomplish great things. Many of our hospitals, schools, universities and other major institutions owe their foundations to religious communities. It is this faith that made our country one of the first in the world to abandon the practice of slavery.

These are just a few of the many reasons why I am grateful and proud to be an American. I hope we can look forward to a better tomorrow. A future where we can bring our ideas to the forefront without being labeled “disinformation” by those who disagree for ideological rather than factual reasons. A future where no politician dares to impose an untested vaccine, which will later be shown to do more harm than good. A future where we appreciate capitalists again, but reject the mandates imposed on us by mega-corporations like Google and Black Rock. A tomorrow where we can look to the sky with faith.

Thank you, veterans! We are dear to the sacrifices you have made.

Brad Kramer is a member of the Freeborn County Republican Party.