
Donna Nigeriana buys a house in San Vendemiano and compares a cartel with xenofobo insult

Donna Nigeriana buys a house in San Vendemiano and compares a cartel with xenofobo insult

Buying a house and a stay after being approached by a Razzista writing. All the days of 2025 come one after the other. This time is included in a section of San Vendémianoin the province of Treviso. Vittima the Signora Queen47 years old, Nigerian, in Veneto on the 20th and married to an Italian.

Pochi giorni dopo il rogito the woman found her man head on at the usual one cartello appeso col fil di ferro and avvolto nella film, contained una discriminatory sentence to lei indirizzata. The authors of the writing also entered into a home business manager, still partly owned. Signora Queen realized she was still alive and had moved on to Razzismo, but she eventually reached that point.