
Name the winners | News, Sports, Jobs

Name the winners | News, Sports, Jobs

MARQUETTE — The Marquette Regional History Center is calling for nominations for the 2024 Helen Longyear Paul Prize and the Peter White Prize,

The Helen Longyear Paul Award is given to recognize individuals and the Peter White Award honors foundations, corporations, organizations and institutions. Both recognize an exceptional effort in the enhancement, restoration, conservation or interpretation of the history of our region.

Marquette County has a rich history and cultural heritage that inspires many people to interpret, preserve and share it. As a historical institution, it is our responsibility to recognize these efforts and promote the accomplishments of the people and organizations making history today. The Marquette Regional History Center began an awards program in 1984.

Nominations should be written in your own words, reflecting the nominee’s contribution to local history. Please submit your applications to the museum during normal opening hours, before 5 p.m. on February 7.

The winners will be announced at the MRHC annual meeting on February 26. For more information, call 906-226-3571 or email [email protected]