
Donald Trump posted a response to Elon Musk: “Silvester has a toll”

Donald Trump posted a response to Elon Musk: “Silvester has a toll”

At Versehen?

Trump posts a private message to Musk and Musk öffentlich

Updated on 28.12.2024 – 11:53 hoursLesedauer: 2 Min.

Trump and Musk in a mixed martial arts camp (Archivbild): Zuletzt hatten Trump-Anhänger Musk scharf kritisiert.Vergrößern des Bildes

Trump and Musk in a mixed martial arts camp (Archivbild): Zuletzt hatten Trump-Anhänger Musk scharf kritisiert. (Quelle: Brad Penner/imago-images-bilder)

Donald Trump made it clear: “Wo bist du?”, said Elon Musk on the Truth Social platform – and he offered more interesting details.

When this happens, you should know that this is not the case, but you will find the correct information. The US President-elect Donald Trump has on his own Internet platform Truth Social a daylight, the biggest is not for the increase of the offensive better war, it is a private robotery and Elon Musk inside.

It was said by another CNN reporter under President Trump’s direction. They represent the angebliche Fehlleistung Trumps, as intelligent as they are interesting. Denn Trumps nachricht sendet aussi et die Öffentlichkeit more Botschaften.

“Wo bist du?,” Trump said in the Post. “You want to come to the Center des Universums, at Mar-a-Lago? Bill Gates had a trip yesterday Abend. We saw it and X. Silvester has a toll.”

Mit X scheint Musks viereinhalb Jahre alter Sohn X Æ A-Xii gemeint zu sein, der Tech-Milliardär im Alltag schlicht Darüber Hinaus Gibt Trumps Beitrag a greater overview of the history of presidential presidents, the association in Florida for the center of universities and certain parties for an unwiderstehlich stay.

In the Post’s zeitgeist, it’s one of two governments that Trump and Musk have chosen. Zuletzt hatten sich rechtsradikale Trump-Anhänger öffentlich gegen Musk gestellt. Innovation Theory and Men Who Oppose Ending Political Influence Laura Loomer in one example said that “the big tech billion” opposed stopping the policy of evolution of politics. The background is a very special visa line for transportation companies around the world. Musk will be more specialized in US operations – with Loomer able to do so. More information about the Auseinandersetzung you can read here.

CNN reporter Alayna Treene plays Trump’s younger wife and Musk’s wife. “Die Bromance swischen Trump et Musk erfreut sich best Gesundheit,” he analyzed.

Video | Trumps Presidentschaft: a Pro & Kontra

Quelle: t-online

What is interesting for Botschaft and Musk is that Trump’s behavior is that Bill Gates got a fragment of his treffen. Gates is for the old Trump-Anhänger of the personification of Böse, among others, who is in the process of zahlreichen Verschwörungstheorien rund um Microsoft-Gründer and the coronavirus Glauben.

Zuletzt has Trump and tech chief Amazon chief Jeff Bezos and Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg. Trump said: “Jeder will mein Freund sein.” But as Bill Gates is a man of confidence, his words are not clear. Better quality of Gates is available today.