
Latest news: NuGen Medical in 12,000 Apotheken…

Latest news: NuGen Medical in 12,000 Apotheken…

Nun hat man es geschafft, the man in Zukunft in über 12,000 Apotheken des Landes den InsuJet, diellose Insulin-Injektion von NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)*, kaufen wird können!

– Anzeige – Interessenkonflikte und Disclaimer beachten – Advertorial/Werbung (Manufacturer: NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)*) –

NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)*, a future Entwickler nadelfreier Geräte zur sous-kutanen Verabreichung von Therapeutika, frut sich, die landesweite Markteinführung von InsuJet au Canada bekannt zu geben. Market launch began on November 15 with the release of the World Diabetes Tests, and the InsuJet took place in a study at Banting House in London, Ontario – insulin sorting was created and developed.

NuGen is offering a first cost price of 3,250 InsuJet Starter Kits and cleaning materials – a price of $670,000 and a gross margin of $368,500 in total.

Community pharmacies such as London Drugs, Prue Integrative Pharmacies, Pharamasave, Pharmasave, Wholehealth Pharmacy Partners, Pharma Brands Canada, Overwaite SaveOn Pharmacies are also other renowned Canadian pharmacies by service providers like McKesson Canada, Khol & Frisch Distributors, Imperial Distributors and UniPharm Distribution. with the InsuJet belief.

Fazit News

The initial delivery in Mexico was 1,500 years old and 3 months later it was 4,500 days later! Legt man diesen mexikanischen Maßstab an, könnte man darauf spekulieren, dass wir schon schon sehr bald an fast 10,000 Einheiten sehen wird – nur allein für den canadischen Markt, wenn das Gerät im “reichen” Canada ebenso gut aufgenommen wird wie im “armen” Mexico ! The self-assessment can be carried out at short notice through a UK supplier, which will cost €5,000.

We had the next day’s party, the rest of the years 2024 until the year 2025 (and until it arrives) with the initials and the best performances in our life. We are also pleased to see InsuJet nadellose inject insulin headquarters by NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)*, here we go! A seat in the diabetes sector can help you, see the example of Insulet Corp. (NASDAQ:PODD). The company’s entrepreneurs have a winning rate of over 13,000%. (more details)

You can expect that you can get started with an investment in NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)* nachdenken – insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund, as sich Diabetes-Aktivisten wie der Goldmedaillen Gewinner Chris Jarvis, öffentlich pour den InsuJet stark machen.

Editing by Meinung

CTV acts for the Welt Diabetes Tag in Canada and broadcasts the focus on the subject InsuJet. Chris Jarvis, type 1 diabetes, is an Olympic gold medalist and Pan-Am gold medalist. Jarvis is a member of the joint organization “I Challenge Diabetes” and works for children. Er glaubt, dass das der InsuJet of NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)* all verändern könnte.

What: Connected TV

I myself am struck by me, a 12-Jährige zu sehen, die sich dazu entscheidet, nicht zu essen, weil sie keine Nadel nehmen will. You see, how beneficial these medications are and can help you understand your Mutter time, because insulin can absolutely be effective – it’s just such a diverse use.

Chris Jarvis, type 1 diabetes, Olympic champion and Pan American gold medalist and leader of the joint organization “I Challenge Diabetes”

The overview: +13,000% in the diabetes sector – the “13,000%-PODD-Moment” for NuGen?

The Grund, which is the company of Insulet Corp. (NASDAQ: PODD) with a rate of 13,000%, is a revolutionary technology for diabetics, the Omnipod®, which offers reasonable costs thanks to old Krankenkassen übernommen wird. NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)* is not drauf and dran, möglicherweise in diesen großen Fußstapfen zu wandeln. By more than 40 Ländern Zugelassenen “InsuJet”, der a schmerzfreie (weil nadellose) Insulinzufuhr ermöglicht, hat man gar nicht so schlechte Karten, die zu realisieren.

NuGen Medical Devices Inc.

WKN: A3DABKTSX Venture Exchange: NGMD


NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)* is a specialist supplier for medical establishments, which is an independent provider of innovative technologies. Sein Hauptgeschäft ist die Erforschung, Entwicklung and Vermarktung von innovative nadelfreien Injektionsgeräten and -systemen for die sous-kutane Verabreichung von Medikamenten. The Flaggschiff is the InsuJetfree insulin injections, available in 42 federal states.

Immerse more InsuJet-Grossaufträge

Zuletzt: NuGen announces strategic partnership with Eziautojector Limited – 5,000 InsuJet devices to be delivered to the UK

Best delivery of 5,000 injections and dazugehörigen Verbrauchsmaterialien.

Zuletzt: NuGen Receives Record Order for Repeat Demand in Mexico

Zusätzliche Bestellung über 4.500 Insujet-Injektoren – three times so big and the first Bestellmenge, nur trois Monate nach dersten Lieferung.

The benefits of “Nadellosen” injection

  • Stichwort: Nadelphobia
  • Diabetes in children
  • Schmerzfreie Administrierung – genauere Einnahme
  • Benefits for Arzte and Krankenschwestern
  • weniger medizinscher Abfall
  • Exact documentation

Was Anwender my:

Rebecca in Spain on InsuJet: “InsuJet oversees me Leben verändert. Keine Nadelinjektionen plus. The well-designed installer means you don’t have a lot of time with Essen to get started. You may stop so that your insulin-free insulin can be injected, next to the InsuJet channels. I have more possibilities and more advantages!”


For our health to be the best for our Annahme, InsuJet is a large bacteria used, which is in the country or is used by explorers and explorers who use, sleep, a woman who supplies herself with insulin. or abholt or diabetics beraten werden! The InsuJets advantage from NuGen Medical Devices Inc. (WKN: A3DABK)* Conventional insulin sprays are easy to make, as the diabetic market ignores these products.

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