
Why Lagna Selection is More Crucial Than Date in Hindu Marriage

Why Lagna Selection is More Crucial Than Date in Hindu Marriage

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Pandit Nand Kishore Mudgal highlights the importance of Sthir Lagna, which ensures positive and lasting results for the couple.

In Jharkhand and Bihar, the bride's family selects the Lagna and Muhurta.

In Jharkhand and Bihar, the bride’s family selects the Lagna and Muhurta.

Marriage is considered one of the 16 sanskaras (a series of traditional rites of passage performed at important stages of life) in Hinduism, and it is believed that any important event, including marriage, should only take place only after choosing an auspicious date and time. This practice is rooted in the belief that performing rituals at the right time leads to favorable results and ensures a prosperous and harmonious married life.

The Lagna plays a crucial role in this process as it is considered very important in determining the timing of marriage. A marriage celebrated without a carefully chosen Lagna is considered to have an inherent flaw, which can have a negative impact on the future of the couple. The Lagnas are selected very carefully as it is believed that getting married in an inauspicious Lagna leads to challenges in married life. Pandit Nand Kishore Mudgal, a renowned astrologer from Mudgal Jyotish Kendra at Pagal Baba Ashram in Deoghar, explained that the Lagna holds significant importance in marriage. Although there are 12 different types of Lagnas, the Sthir Lagna (fixed ascendant) is considered the most favorable for marriage. Getting married under the Sthir Lagna is believed to bring positive and lasting results to the married life of the couple. According to Pandit Mudgal, while planning a wedding, the Lagna should be given more attention than the date itself, as it plays a pivotal role in ensuring a harmonious union.

Determination of Lagna:

The auspicious Lagna for marriage is determined by looking at the positions of stars and planets in the horoscopes of the bride and groom. Astrologers consider a Lagna to be favorable when Jupiter and Venus are not debilitated or placed in inauspicious positions. Additionally, all planets should be positioned in favorable houses. For example, the Sun should not be in the first or seventh house, the Moon should not be in the first, sixth or eighth house, Jupiter should not be in the seventh or eighth house and Venus should avoid the third, the seventh. or eighth house. These factors are carefully considered while determining the most auspicious Lagna.

In many regions, it is the bride’s family who is responsible for choosing the Lagna (wedding date). Marriages in states like Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are often arranged after identifying the most auspicious date and Lagna. Particularly, in places like Jharkhand and Bihar, after the boy’s Tilak (a pre-wedding ritual), the bride’s father writes the auspicious Lagna and Muhurta (auspicious moment), which are then given to the boy’s father. married. The groom’s family is advised to take the wedding procession to the selected Lagna and Muhurta to ensure that the wedding takes place at the most auspicious time.

Lifestyle news Why Lagna Selection is More Crucial Than Date in Hindu Marriage