
Extract from the archives: The republic must affirm its determination in favor of world peace | Latest news India

Extract from the archives: The republic must affirm its determination in favor of world peace | Latest news India

November 29, 2024 at 2:16 p.m. IST

The only way to ensure world peace and rid ourselves of the fear of war is to create a world government that reduces war to the level of rebellion or civil crime.

The inauguration of the Republic is an opportunity for the people of India to reaffirm their determination to be a force for world peace. Before we end war, we should deal with the latest, most monstrous weapon that physicists have added to the arsenal of powerful nations. Physicists have brought forth the destroying angel from the atom of nature and now there is quite a feverish rush in the preparations for this method of destruction! Parallel to the race for the atom, propaganda is underway to persuade the people of the world that this new and deadly weapon is a friend of peace insofar as its terrible character will dissuade wicked nations from challenging each other. and will prevent them from immersing themselves in peace. war. There are also tempting talks about the constructive uses to which atomic research could lead.

From the archives: The republic must affirm its determination in favor of world peace
From the archives: The republic must affirm its determination in favor of world peace

All of this is as unconvincing as the arguments for competitive war preparations, which have always been advanced by warlords as a real means of preventing war. The Atom presents all the horrors of germ warfare, with the added feature of sudden and widespread devastation unknown in previous military annals. There is no room here for the finer emotions and incidents of bravery, compassion and chivalry associated with warfare of ancient times and which have found their place even in recent times in warfare as we know it. we have known so far.

Nations are overwhelmed by distrust and fear of each other and seem unable to save themselves from the sworn enemy and seek arguments to console themselves. If scientists believe and work on the power housed in the atom, let others believe and work on the power of the mind. Let us humbly support ourselves in this faith. Has not faith, in one form or another, sustained humanity since time immemorial? Any person belonging to India, philosopher, politician or anyone else, talking about world peace, will be asked, before delving into his topic, “What about Kashmir?” What about India and Pakistan? India did not intervene in Kashmir to attack it. When the unarmed population of Kashmir was suddenly attacked by the Pathan tribes, Kashmir appealed for help from India and India felt obliged to comply with this request. Then developed the secret entry of Pakistan into Kashmir and the conversion of a simple direct defense into a confused battle between the two Dominions.

India hates the idea of ​​a resumption of hostilities between it and Pakistan. It will go far to avoid it even if such a declared policy can give great tactical advantages to its young neighbor in the strategy of negotiations through foreign powers that are not too detached. The only way to ensure world peace and rid ourselves of the fear of war is to create a world government that reduces war to the level of rebellion or civil crime.

The power of the World State must be such that it can be exercised against those who contravene world peace. Pacifism should not degenerate into a mystical doctrine of evasion or capitulation to injustice or aggression. Nor can we imagine the replacement of war by other forms of resistance which, although bloodless, inflict no less suffering than wars. It is not just bloodshed, but all forms of human suffering that we should seek to avoid. The only way to achieve peace is through a world government that ensures that every dispute is settled by peaceful trials in appropriate courts and accepts their decisions, good or bad, as final, even if we come to terms with the results of war, although often painfully. fake.

The principle of independent adjudication was repeatedly described by Gandhiji as an essential element of his project of non-violence. Direct propaganda in favor of world federation tends to go over our heads without producing any results. The universal passion for national sovereignty is untouched by such propaganda. A first-class world newspaper, transported throughout the world by the fastest possible transportation system, managed with the assistance of a corps of correspondents and journalists from around the world committed to the cause of establishing a world government, would do more than all direct newspapers. propaganda for a world government which is in the making. The world newspaper that I envision should not be a propaganda newspaper but a real newspaper dealing with current affairs and serving readers like other newspapers, and should of course be readable and attractive even from a local point of view. no matter what state. These may seem like small steps to achieve such a great goal as world peace, but I believe that, like Elijah’s cloud, no bigger than a man’s hand, joint efforts in concrete tasks will soon gain momentum and will bring down the walls of national jealousies. and fears and pave the way for greater things.

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