
This weekend is to decide the future of the 5-star movement

This weekend is to decide the future of the 5-star movement

On November 21, the final phase of the Constituent Assembly of the 5 Star Movement began, the process for the internal organization of the party spear officially a happy August from President Giuseppe Conte. From November 10 to 15, on November 24, almost 90 million hours were written for the party, you can write online on 40 questions in response to various arguments, from the internal structure of all political priorities that will allow you to launch the movement in the years to come.

The idea of ​​reorganizing the party was the advance of Conte and the assembly of his parliamentarians of June 12, after the misleading result obtained by the 5 Star Movement in the European elections of June 8 and 9. On what occasion, the founding party of Beppe Grillo in 2009 it happened Third, with about 10 percent of the votes, less the results obtained by the Democratic Party, came second to the Fratelli of Italy. There is a consensus on the 5 star movement which is communicated over the course of a few years. After the successes in the political elections of 2013 and 2018, when they exceeded 30 percent of the votes, all the political elections of 2022 the Conte party reached 15 percent, and for these various representatives, they have There was a phase of internal confrontation, which also affected the writings, to launch the party. It is the consensus that we all know, visto che alle final regional elections in Emilia-Romagna e Umbria The 5 Star Movement has already reached 3.5 and 4.7 percent of the votes.

Dopo tre mesi di battito interno, in cui Conte e Grillo if it is contrasted Virtually everything from the party symbol to its founder’s “guarantee” settlement, the writings of the 5 Star Movement can be viewed in the online consultation that concludes Dominique’s first coup de grace.

You can participate in all the votes that have been written on the party, together with the tests of your month of response to the data regarding consultation and concerns for disciplinary reasons. Second communication from the 5 Star Movement, on November 21 you ventured its 88,933. This will allow you to access the pie form Sky Votea private company which sees its official website “offers solutions integrating all the knowledge of the management of decision-making processes and government of all nature and form and instruments for electronic voting”. In priority, the votes if svolgevano sulla piattaforma Rousseauthe property of the Casaleggio associati, which was however accused of transparent scar on the number of voters.

A volta volta collegati has Sky Vote5 Star Movement writings must vote on 40 questions, divided according to macro zone: the to propose for the reform of the status and organization of the party; and the “Proposal regarding relations with them”, that is to say questions relating to political indifference and with them, they should be able to mark the party in the future.