
5 Zodiac Signs Have The Best Horoscopes The Week Of November 4 – 10, 2024

5 Zodiac Signs Have The Best Horoscopes The Week Of November 4 – 10, 2024

Five zodiac signs have the best horoscopes all week between November 4 – 10, 2024. The Moon transits from Sagittarius to Pisces this week, so the energy will move from a space of inquisitiveness about the world to wanting to act on the knowledge you gained. This will be especially potent when the Moon is in Aquarius.

Mars in Leo adds another layer to this message by reminding us that the collective is currently in a high-energy state. You can truly crush your goals and accomplish a lot of things if you only put your mind to it.

Finally, with Mercury in Sagittarius standing out as a beneficial energy in the second half of the week, you are encouraged to speak your mind and engage with a diverse group of people. Maybe wait for a craft fair or a cultural fest to immerse yourself this way too!

Five zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes for November 4 – 10, 2024:


aries zodiac sign best horoscope November 4-10, 2024 Design: YourTango

Most compatible zodiac sign for Aries this week: Cancer

Best day of the week for Aries: November 10

Aries, your horoscope for the week is full of life and liveliness! You will feel confident and full of energy and drive the first half of the week, with an exceptional ability to knock out your goals. If you lean hard into this energy in the first half of the week, the second half will be a period of celebration, rest, and relaxation. So don’t give in to procrastination or fear. Let your inner light shine!

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac sign best horoscope November 4-10, 2024 Design: YourTango

Most compatible zodiac sign for Cancer this week: Leo

Best day of the week for Cancer: November 8

Cancer, your horoscope this week points to significant changes in your life and surroundings. Some of you may be thinking of moving from one place to another or relocating to a bigger space. While the first half of the week may not be as significant as the second half, you will thrive if you stick to your routines and trust your path.

The second half of the week will be a time for decision-making and leaning into your inner needs. Don’t allow peer pressure to steer you in the wrong direction because the cosmic forces are here to support you fully!

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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac sign best horoscope november 4-10, 2024 Design: YourTango

Most compatible zodiac sign for Scorpio this week: Aries

Best day of the week for Scorpio: November 8

Scorpio, your horoscope this week has a studious quality to it. You will find information in the oddest places and learn about yourself and the world around you. Intriguing literary adventures await you during the first half of the week, while the second half will be a period of socializing with your friends and family. Consider hosting a night at your place or organizing a night out with friends — perhaps a birthday party may be just the thing since we are firmly in Scorpio season!

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4. Leo

leo zodiac sign best horoscope November 4-10, 2024 Design: YourTango

Most compatible zodiac sign for Leo this week: Aries

Best day of the week for Leo: November 7

Leo, trust your intuition and creative vision this week. This way, you can live the life of your dreams — and significantly faster than you thought you could. If you feel called to, meditate more deeply in the second half of the week, especially while holding a piece of black tourmaline gold clear quartz. Doing so will help you connect with yourself and understand your true needs and motivations in life.

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5. Pisces

Pisces zodiac sign best horoscope November 4-10, 2024 Design: YourTango

Most compatible zodiac sign for Pisces this week: Cancer

Best day of the week for Pisces: November 9

Pisces, your horoscope this week is really beautiful. Your creativity will be stoked by the favorable energy so don’t hold back or censor yourself! Even though the second half of the week will be more significant in this sense, the first half will allow you to rest your soul so your creative juices can flow fully. “Trust the process” is the message for you this week. Also, trust the ebbs and the flows.

If you feel called to, now’s a great time to create a self-portrait if you are an artist, or weave something that only appeals to you without any thought for anybody else. Apply this message to your creative talent as it fits. An intriguing adventure awaits you!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.