
Live results American President | LAist

Live results American President | LAist

Did LAist help you vote? Member support made these voter guides possible.

Our election coverage is focused on you: helping you understand the results of this election and their impact on our daily lives. And we don’t stop there: Even after the results are in, you need a trusted reporting source that will hold those in power accountable and shine a light on the issues that matter to our communities.

Even after the last vote, LAist’s reporting and voting guides are here for you. But we need your support now to know that this work we do matters.

We cannot accomplish this essential work without your help. We rely on donations from readers like you to remain independent, which keeps our nonprofit newsroom strong and accountable to you.

At a time when the need for local journalism has never been greater, many newsrooms are facing cutbacks, including LAist. Membership support – your support – is what will maintain a free press in Southern California.

LAist’s mission is to be there for you, so be there for us now with a donation to power our trusted local reporting. Step up now and make the choice to give. Because that’s exactly what it is: a choice. It’s a choice that has consequences. If readers don’t choose to step up and donate, the future of factual news in Southern California won’t be as bright.

No matter what happens in the world, LAist will remain a voice you know and trust.

Thank you for your generous support.
