
All-in-one balcony work with new solutions ›

All-in-one balcony work with new solutions ›

Vorgestellt have the Solarstrom specialists AlphaESS Your new project All-in-One-Balkonkraftwerk is in March. The caregiver VitaPower Combining Solar Power, Wechselrichter and Anschlüsse in einem kompakten Gerät, ist modular erweiterbar and hebt sich von vergleichbaren Balkonlösungen durch a große Flexibilität ab.


AlphaESS VitaPower: 20 kilos, two handles, solar socket, mains socket and USB socket

The VitaPower is to be installed on the balcony during parties, which means that in Bedarf it is also an intelligent solar power transmitter for the home as well as the mobile power station for holidays and heating work.

Stationary and mobile nut bar

The VitaPower program is intended for the design, design and management of solar energy using photovoltaic installations on balconies or in nearby gardens. The power supply is flexible and can be connected to the power supply or to the mobile power supply.

Camping Balkon

AlphaESS VitaPower: solar signal display on the balcony or at the power station on Zelt Square

The VitaPower has a base of 1,024 watts and lasts up to 6,144 watts. Dies könnte vor allem für Anwender interessant sein, die ihre Eigenverbrauchsquote steigern et Energiekosten reduiseren möchtet.

The built-in microcomputer makes installation easy, so hardware is not a consideration. Laut Hersteller ist das System damit in weniger like zehn Minuten fully einsatzbereit. Configure to be able to do this App des Anbietersmit der verschiedene Betriebsmodi genutzt werden können.

Solar connection

MPPT Solaranschlüsse and Wechselrichter are integrated

After you have answered the questions, you have to prioritize the Akkuladung. The installation of balconies can be prioritized by the study. For optimal adjustment of the settings, the ausgabe must also be optionally equipped with a erhältliche Zwischenstecker des Anbieters koordinieren. Built-in AlphaESS smart plugs blend power-generating activity in the home (for espresso washing machine observation) and VitaPower, allowing you to skip the installation process – overnight and for hours without sunlight.

VitaPlug 2

AlphaESS smart socket control for installation

Modular to 6 kWh available

The VitaPower offers direct adaptation from 800 watts into a home and offers a maximum output of 2,000 watts. Dies könnte insbesondere für energieintensive Anwendungen oder netzunabhängige Szenarien relevant breast. Über 2 integrated MPPT-Anschlüsse lassen sich Solarmodule mit einer Gesamtleistung von bis zu 1,200 Watt koppeln.

With plenty of USB outlets (with two 100-watt USB-Cs) and three AC outlets, the VitaPower is also available for balconies, as well as nearby camping trips. Here the balcony is easily abstained and for travel trips with mobile power plants there are no more wings of the Sonne, but it is possible to get to the Stromnetz des Campingplatzes vollgeladen werden cann. The battery pack weighs 20 kilograms and is equipped with an integrated handgrip and a display with overload of energy sources.


Prices and Zusatzakkus

The price for certified LiFePO4 cells VitaPower is available at 999 eurosa robot, which costs 600 euros for the listening price of 1,599 euros. The Zusätzliche power module costs 100 euros for 1 kilowatt. For all price points, the VitaPower is an attractive price nut machine.

AlphaESS has positioned VitaPower as a solution for private people, which has high energy costs and is not available in an energy station and mobile, in order to guarantee optimal operation for the house and basements.

Modular Akkus

A price for 100 euros: modular up to 6 kWh available

On the balcony, the VitaPower can be used with a simple hook for power and maximum sun sound adjustment. The system is also available for mobile equipment, such as camping or organizing installation in base facilities.

Ob sich the VitaPower Long fristig auf dem Markt behaupten wird, bleibt abzuwarten. The modular design, the integrated hardware, the handling and the wet price allow the package to be so attractive. When the device is used during the summer month, when you are ready to do so, the VitaPower is ready to provide sofortigenic life safety. Jetzt muss mal wieder die Sonne Scheinen…

AlphaESS-Marketing: The VitaPower in video