
AA Business Services helps fleets leverage data and technology

AA Business Services helps fleets leverage data and technology

AA Business Services provides businesses with a strategic roadmap on how to leverage data and technology in an evolving mobility landscape.

He launched his latest article on thought leadership, a “yellow” journal Navigating the future: how data and connectivity can help bring certainty to businesses and their drivers.

It shows how fleet managers are increasingly relying on connected vehicle technology to optimize the performance and efficiency of their fleet, particularly those managing light commercial vehicle (LCV) fleets in a landscape of mobility increasingly disrupted.

“Businesses are looking for certainty in an age where change is the only constant,” said James Starling, director of AA Business Services.

“Our yellow paper looks at the risk factors impacting fleets and examines how connected technologies can help facilitate progress. »

The launch coincides with the release of two new products designed to ease the burden of fleet management: AA X’s Vixa-powered vehicle health tool and Halo Insights.

Newly launched vehicle diagnostics and health tool leverages AA data to predict faults and recommend specific solutions to vehicle issues as they arise, with the aim of minimizing downtime .

Meanwhile, Halo Insights, developed by Drivetech, is a fleet data aggregation platform, bringing together data on telematics, fuel, accidents and costs, providing fleet managers with an overview to optimize performance.

Starling continued: “With the launch of Fleet Vehicle Health and Halo Insights, we are equipping businesses with the tools they need to anticipate disruption and improve the management of their fleets.

“Data and connectivity are revolutionizing how fleets operate, and we are proud to be at the forefront of this transformation. »

AA Business Services provides troubleshooting solutions to suit any fleet size, vehicle type or operational requirements.