
Frostpunk 2: 11 Bit Studios is available, as in 2025 with the newer game

Frostpunk 2: 11 Bit Studios is available, as in 2025 with the newer game

Frostpunk 2: 11 Bit Studios is available, as in 2025 with the newer game

Image: 11 Bit Studios

11 Bit Studios has released a roadmap for Frostpunk 2, a survival strategy board game, due September 20 for PC. When the console is released, the DLCs are free and big updates offered. Updated version 1.2.0 Title Patch.

Patch 1.2.0 brings new winds to New London

The new patch is made in Kraft and brings new versions and new versions. Here are some highlights of the updates:

  • Anpassungen an Utopia Builder-Map
  • New Fraktionsereignisse
  • Tiefe Lagerstätten sind nun wirklich unendlich
  • The handling of unrelated protests
  • Optimization of Ideenbaum panels
  • Verbesserungen am Ressourcentransfer-Panel
  • Verbesserte Speicher- und Ladezeiten
  • New pop-up tutorial panels

More information about the update to find it in the Version 1.2.0 Release Notes.

The current roadmap for the year 2025

This is the Roadmap of the map, which means that you have larger routes for longer periods of time. When you are not yet alive, this is so that the route map of the Meilenstein does not enter into the data generated by the entwickler – nor is it in an overview of the Meilenstein. The first step in the roadmap was a big, free update fest – the new release of updates is shutting down 11 Bit Studios today. For the first time, Frostpunk 2 is on a new platform and is available on the PlayStation 5 console and Xbox Series X|S. The game is also at the console level, but it lasts a long time, but is not the best, it is the first to pass the year.

Frostpunk 2 Roadmap
Frostpunk 2 roadmap (Image: 11 Bit Studios)

It’s possible after Sinn, it’s the first time that DLC is available. The information base on this issue is your chance. So, we don’t have your code name with “Spectrum” and “Aurora”. The released DLCs do not yet have code names and others also have the two DLCs available since 2026. One of these three DLCs has been created: you have chosen “And there were complete new things in the gnadenlose world of Frostpunk 2 einführen”.

Frostpunk 2 and Anschluss zu Frostpunk

Frostpunk 2 is a board survival strategy game from Entwickler 11 Bit Studios and is a powerful tool for early episode management. This is the collective life cycle of life cycles that first took place, which followed the ongoing courses and expenses like body theft. Das Ende des gemeinsamen Überlebenskampfes führt zu einer Erosion des Zusammenhalts of the young Gesellschaft and Spieler finden sich inmitten eines pluralistischen Schmelztiegels wieder.