
E-Auto in China with two indicators: you have lost a big problem

E-Auto in China with two indicators: you have lost a big problem

Herkommliche Blinker Kennt Man.

(Vladimir Bartel –, Symbolbild)Herkommliche Blinker Kennt Man.

The Chinese car manufacturer Human Horizons has an interesting feature for two years: E-Auto. You cannot use the classic Blinker lights in the Auto on the other side of the display, which is in Germany in the city.

Verbrauch (komb.) 20.7 kWh/100 km, CO2 emissions (komb.) 0.0 g/km, CO2 class A+

In May 2023, Human Horizons was released on December 24 in a Premium Electric segment in the Chinese market. Damit schaffte es der Hersteller sogar vor namhafte Marken wie Porsche, BMW, Mercedes ou Audi. The first E-Auto HiPhi X model from Human Horizons is the second model before.

The electric GT with its unique name Z nutzt zwar dieselbe Plattform as in Vorgänger, hater aber einige new Hingucker. Dazu also has a second flasher, the YouTube channel “wearesuperinnovator” in a Video zeigt. Under the herkömmlichen indicator, the light is on and the symbol for a U-turn. Thus, the Verkehrsteilnehmer dahinter, dass der Fahrer wenden möchte et können sich entsprechend darauf einstellen.

When the Fahrer den Blinkerhebel lights up twice, it is not possible to use the gewöhnliche flashing signal, but it also has an indication on the art of the Blinkens.

Chinese E-Auto with a traveled distance of over 500 kilometers

The HiPhi Z includes a larger length and a length of over two meters and a length of over two meters and covers all the technical highlights. Statt einer Heckscheibe ist das E-Auto mit Kameras ausgestattet, die dem Fahrer im Rückspiegel Zeigen, suggested that he had passed.

With 672 hp and zero transmission to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds, the HiPhi has a length of 555 kilometers according to WLTP. The training and technical strengths have already had their price. The price is for the electric GT at 105,000 euros.