
Vortrag: Wissenschaft zwischen Freiheit und Autoritarismus

Vortrag: Wissenschaft zwischen Freiheit und Autoritarismus

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Heidelberg, November 22, 2024

Vortrag: Wissenschaft zwischen Freiheit und Autoritarismus
Eva Illouz spoke in the study of the French theory of Ruperto Carola and the Verhältnis zwischen Wissenschaft et Politik in the United States.

With the current French theory – a critical academic university, founded in the 1980s by the work of the French intellectual in the United States – it relied on a research institute of the sociologist Prof. Dr. Eva Illouz. The largest scientific community of the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris is behind the following page, and the French theory is paradoxical in the United States, a scientific authority from the Weg has already known . Your work is the role of Ruperto Carola Ringvorlesung, which will take place during this winter semester on the theme “Freiheit?! Die Universität als Diskursraum“ widmet. Aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln et aus transkultureller Perspektive thematisiert die von der Universität Heidelberg veranstaltete Reihe die Rolle von Universitäten et Wissenschaft in der Gesellschaft et in aktuellen politischen Konflikten. The English book “Between freedom and authoritarianism – French theory and American university politics” will take place on November 25, 2024, in the grounds of the old university, from 6:00 p.m.

The beginning of French theory is aimed at a postmodern critical theory, which fits into American and American minds and into a modern world. Eva Illouz declared that the latter were at the service of their action by the political actor and for the political citizens of a civil society authority in the region. In my Vortrag, the referent of the page is close, as in a critical analytical perspective, unfounded studies and “values” come into play, and the deconstruction is total, an authority from the political world is in contact. Eva Illouz explored the EHESS for the science and sociology of emotions within the Gebiet de la Kultursoziologie. Im Anschluss an ihren Vortrag wird sie mit ihrem Dialogpartner Prof. Dr. Günter Leypoldt vom Anglistischen Seminar der Universität Heidelberg diskutieren.

The Ruperto Carola Ringvorlesung is one of the reflection theme concepts of RICHTIG & FALSCH. Damit died at the University of Heidelberg twice later in the course of relevant training in forschungsfragen in unterschiedlichen Formaten and in the breite Öffentlichkeit herantragen. In the current Reihe sprechen Forscherinnen et Forscher aus verschiedenen disziplinären Perspektiven über „Freiheit?! Die Universität als Diskursraum“. The Konzipiert wurde die Reihe mit Bezug zum “Wissenschaftsjahr 2024 – Freiheit” by Sinologin Prof. Dr. Barbara Mittler and Medienanthropologin Prof. Dr. Christiane Brosius of the Heidelberger Centrum für Transkulturelle Studien.

Their vacation with Eva Illouz takes place during the winter semester during our upcoming trips with Heidelberg University Science and Science, as well as other research studies in Austria and Austria. Facilities will find jewelry displays in the Aula of the Alten Universität, starting at 6:00 p.m. The available information is now available at an information point on heiONLINE, on the central portal of the University of Heidelberg with insights, discussions and verifications in digital formats.

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Vortrag: Wissenschaft zwischen Freiheit und Autoritarismus