
Staffel 3 from What if…? at Disney+

Staffel 3 from What if…? at Disney+

The series finale of “What If…?” » started today on Disney+. With this: alternate versions of Captain America, Moon Knight, Scarlet Witch, Hulk and more.

Die Dritte Staffel der WonderAnimated series What if…? Wartet noch vor Ende des Jahreswechsels auf die Zuschauer. On December 22, the last day, there will be a one-day episode for the tag. This handelt sich dabei gleichzeitig auch schon um die finale Season the Marvel alternative-Anthology.

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Have Marvel fans been watching the third series of the “What If…?” »

With this you are entitled and two alternate versions of Sam Wilson like Captain America, Moon Knight, Shang Chi, White Vision, Ironheart, Wong, Scarlet Witch, Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes, Hulk aka Bruce Banner, The Red Guardian, Captain Peggy Carter, Agatha Harkness and Monica Rambeau. A Highlight also includes a Mech-Episode with the title “Go-Avengers: Heroes of the Gamma War” breast. In the 18 bisherigen Folgen der Serie gab es übrigens schon den euen Cap, dem Anthony Mackie also seine Stimme leihen wird, zu sehen.

An interesting Nerd-Highlight will be presented at the end, then the “X-Men“-Figur Storm wird hier als Donnergöttin mit Mjölnir im Schlepptau zu sehen sein. Zwar gab es die Figur bereits bei X-Men ’97but refrains from der FOX-A Bisher film today is not in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are also some for Abspann-Golden szenen.

I’m talking about the Phase-Zero podcast Erklärte Head-Writer A.C. Bradley: “We had the Staffel Geschrieben twice, as well as “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, a dream break and the reading book did other things umgeschrieben wurden. We are also not faced with this problem, because firstly it is the Live-Action figure that lasts and then in the multiverse with your games can…

Nach seinem Auftritt in „What if…?“with Sam Wilson in February 2025 and in his first own film”Captain America: Brave New World“Mitspielen und zum Beispiel auf Harrison Ford like the new Thaddeus „Thunderclap” Ross realized that the role of Tod von William Hurt was that of this nickname. Ross is a famous author of Red Hulk…