
Compare the house, ritrovata in the note in a baracca longo il Piave | Oggi Treviso | News

Compare the house, ritrovata in the note in a baracca longo il Piave | Oggi Treviso | News

Compare the house, ritrovata in the note in a baracca longo il Piave | Oggi Treviso | News

MASERADA ON THE PIAVE – She remained alive in a long hut on the Piave dai watching over the fire, a first of the mezzanotte, from Saturday January 11, the wife of Maserada on the Piave This is not the case if you have already been notified of the first day of Friday 10 days.

The woman’s rice will be launched in the 17th, after the alarm of knowledge and the application of the provincial piano for the person of the prefecture. The light may be the first of 23 years, thanks to the drones equipped with the thermocamera and the film core, there signora รจ stata individuata in a baracca along a violottolo del fiume Piave a Maserada. The woman is in a position to be the first assistant to the fire watchers of Vicenza, who are found at the place of the ritual, until the arrival of the Suem health personnel. The woman is stable in hygiene and also presents to the doctor and transfer in a confused state to the hospital for treatment.

All revenues, which are the coordinates of the local command unit, announced the 16th watch of the fire sud-divisi from the operator TAS (Topografia Applicata al Soccorso), an ordinary team, due to the cinofili cores, the staff of the regional SAPR (Sistema Aeromobile a Pilotaggio Remote) core, others to the summozzatori di Vicenza al capo servizio and the funzionario di guardia. Introduce yourself to 10 civil protection operators from Maserada sul Piave and the Carabinieri.

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