
Weltfußballer? Ballon d’Or? Was the price right?

Weltfußballer? Ballon d’Or? Was the price right?

Immerhin sind es in this Jahr nur noch deuxwei bedeutende Auszeichnungen for the weltbesten Fußball-Profis. I am aware of the last year for football and football players of the world group FIFA, the European Football Union UEFA, the French group Amaury with their own ausgezeichnet worden trophies. This month we will only have a second anniversary: ​​at the Ballon d’Or and the Weltfußballer Gala. An overview:


The FIFA prize has been won since 1991 by the first winner of the national war Lothar Matthäus. The record winner is Lionel Messi, der bei der Kür heute Abend (18.00 Uhr/MEZ) in Doha Titelverteidiger and biggest nominator. Also on the list of candidates are national player Florian Wirtz, as well as ex-DFB star Toni Kroos.

For the year 2010 until 2015, FIFA will have cooperation with Amaury Group, in this article of world football award as “FIFA Ballon d’Or”. FIFA is now independent and has never had the award – ausgezeichnet with other football players, coaches and trainers – nicknamed “The Best”. The big offer for other prizes: the responsibility is on the part of the national coach, the head of the national society, the fans’ journalists around the world.

Golden Ball

L’Auszeichnung mit dem Goldenen Ball is the hinge of a journalist-Wahl. The prize, from the Amaury group, published the Zeitung “France Football” which has existed since 1956. Last year, the Ballon d’Or and the arrival of European football players of the 2000s were set up by our European players. It is a very structured company, which can be completely professional with the Ballon d’Or ausgezeichnet werden. The record winner here is also the Argentine world master Messi.

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As the FIFA Ballon d’Or walks around, UEFA’s luck and the European footballer’s own prize of the years 2011 to 2023 will be awarded. This auszeichnung gewann of the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo is up to the task. In this season, the UEFA prize is not bigger – the Dachverband cooperated with the Amaury group and joined forces with its Ballon d’Or.

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