
More than a million for a luxury house

More than a million for a luxury house


Baugutachter prüft 2 Jahre altes Luxushaus – et macht große Augen!

For 1.6 million US dollars, it only takes one man to get it. The company Staunte Baugutachter Andrew Matson is not schlecht, as well as Immobilie sah.

Charlotte, North Carolina – For 1.6 million US dollars (1.55 million euros), it only takes one man to get it. Insbesondere dann, wenn die new Luxusimmobilie erst 2022 fertiggestellt wurde. Dennoch ahnten die Käufer, ass ihr new Luxushaus in Charlotte, North Carolina, has nothing to do with the Schuss War. Deshalb hires Baugutachter Andrew Matson (29 years old). Der machte große Augen, as well as Real Estate sah.

Baugutachter Andrew Matson (29) has nothing to do with the Luxushaus begutachtete.

Baugutachter Andrew Matson (29) has nothing to do with the Luxushaus begutachtete. © Photo montage: TikTok/Screenshots/andrew.matson7

“I became beauftragt of the house store, all the men in the house take care of it and their best idea before doing it, it was quite repaired, but it is a security, bewohnbares Haus wird, in the man there is Sorgen um den Verfall machen muss, for all wegen der von außen eindringenden Feuchtigkeit”, says the Fachmann jetzt in an interview with News week.

The US magazine waged war on story keywords, but Matson turned to a woman with country houses for a viral TikTok hit that hit home.

In them kuriosen Video presented on January 29 on the Dauerschleife Mängel. When you’re left with a dachshund, you’ll have to worry about it, and you’ll have to worry about it.

As Mutter sees it, it is so in Türkiye and was created, it can be sweet for a photo
As Mutter sees it, it is so in Türkiye and was created, it can be sweet for a photo

This doesn’t seem to be the best for you. Dort erlebt der Sachverständige weitere Überraschungen.

Virales TikTok-Video zeigt die zahlreichen Schäden am Haus

You can also see if it is there - it is still there.

You can also see if it is there – it is still there. © Photo montage: TikTok/Screenshots/andrew.matson7

There is also a treppengeländer rüttelt, which is a festival, dass sich ein Ziegel bewegt. Ein Abluftschacht im Badezimmer ist gar nicht angeleschlossen. A spüle is so verstopft, that Matson cannot make further repairs.

In your message: “All these problems are not normal. But there is only one, when the man is in the basement auswahl for the most dangerous people. I am schlimmsten waren das Dach, die Dachrinne et alle Stellen, an denen Wasser leicht ins Haus eindringen konnte.”

Newsweek then speaks of Reinfall mit weiteren Experten über das Haus. Real estate investor Brian Rudderow of HBR Colorado is paying the repair costs in the amount of 200,000 US dollars (193,915 euros).

Big Mac in Bizeps: prepare a hamburger for your trainer and your work!
Big Mac in Bizeps: prepare a hamburger for your trainer and your work!

Ende really can be the young man of the Andrew Matson project. It’s a good work that earns a viral hit and a hit auf TikTok product, the hat reached 1.1 million clicks.